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song of the chapter: nightmare — pvris

"I never saw your face, just your energy (...)

The skeletons in your closet started breaking free"


Yoko was sat on a sofa with a few shopping bags besides her when Ivory walked out of the changing room. The vampire grimaced at the sight of Ivory in the white gown, not knowing why they thought it was a good idea to have her try it on in the first place.

"Girl, that dress does nothing for you. You look washed out and sick, this year's theme is not for you...", Yoko trailed off and Ivory's eyes widened in horror at her friend's brutal honesty.

"Honey, your friend is right. You should try something else", the lady who owned the shop they were currently in said as she leant against the sofa with a few dresses hung on her arm, all of which were either not the right fit or not the right color.

Ivory sighed and looked back at Yoko who nodded and pointed her thumb at the older lady.

"What Pam said"

Yoko and Ivory had been out and about in town for a little over three hours, they left right after their classes had ended and Yoko was quick to find something for the Rave'n'Dance, since Enid had told her about a store where she found her own dress. Yoko tried on a suit that Enid saw and recommended for her. It was perfect and Ivory was going and on about how good the vampire looked in it.

Ivory didn't have the same luck as her friend so after browsing the dress store for two more hours they left. Ivory saw the store they were currently in from across the town square and remembered how she wanted to pay it a visit again after Jaesung told her about working there on Outreach Day.

Pam and Jenkins were delighted to see the girl, especially after her mother had told the elderly couple all about the situation she was in the last time she came by. The two were firm believers of judging people by their actions and not their upbringing and that's why they welcomed Yoko with open arms, just like they did with Jaesung. It truly warmed Ivory's heart now that she had witnessed what it felt like to be on the other side of it and she could sense the surprise and happiness radiating of the vampire girl.

"This is hopeless, I don't even have a date, I can just wear anything, I don't need to stress myself out like this", Ivory complained as she stepped from the little podium and flung herself into the sofa next to Yoko.

"Oh don't even start darling, you're going to find something. And you're not in need of someone to go with you to have a lovely evening", Pam spoke slowly, patting the girl's shoulder as Yoko hummed, agreeing with the woman again.

"I told you, there's still time, I can cancel", Yoko exclaimed and before Ivory could bicker with her, Pam interrupted the two girls.

When you walk into the small boutique you find the sofa they were sat on was placed on the left side corner of the store, the cash register and shelves with accessories on the right side.

The old leather sofa was facing a wall of mirrors in all shapes and forms. It was difficult to look at yourself, but it added charme to the otherwise quite empty store. It was a small boutique after all and the only reason Pam and Jenkins were still keeping it open was that they owned the building and had close to no costs other than water and electricity bills, since they lived right on top of the shop.

"You wait right here my lovelies, Jenkins, go fix them some biscuits", the lady shouted as she rushed to the other side of the store to unlock a double door behind the till and dissapeared behind it. The two girls giggled as the old man came down the old metal spiral staircase that was placed to the left of the mirrored wall. He greeted the girls with a kind smile and placed a plate on the table besides the sofa. Ivory immediately thanked the man and asked him how he was as they waited for his wife to come back.

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