Teenage spirit

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Age: 17


"Anastasia Belova Romanoff-Rogers get your ass down here!" I heard my mom yell.

Oh crap. I put my pen down and took out my earphones, then quickly ran downstairs, passing Tony on the stairs.

"Steady!" he warned.

"I'm good!" I called, continuing to skip down 2 stairs at a time, almost falling at one point.

I came into the lounge with my mom going through my bag. The colour drained from my face. That's the bag I took to the party last night. When I'd gotten back, I'd just dumped it on the couch because the drinks had been tainted so I was a little tipsy. I couldn't remember what was in there. She lifted her head and stared at me with her piercing green gaze. I swallowed nervously. I knew that whatever she'd found, she was going to go full Romanoff Lie Detector on me.

"Anastasia, tell me why my daughter has a bottle of vodka in her bag?" mom asked, pulling it out and showing me.

Ah shit. I forgot to give that back to my friend. He'd asked me to steal it for him, then I never gave it to him.

"My friend wanted me to keep hold of it until I could give it back to him," I said, half honestly.

Mom narrowed her eyes at me. Being a Romanoff, I was equally good at lying. But she was good at spotting lies.

"The truth Anastasia."

I sighed, reluctantly saying, "I stole it from the party last night. Samuel wanted me to keep it for him, we were going to share it."

My mom's stare bore into me as she tried to figure out whether I was telling the full truth. For once in my life, I was.

"I thought I told you not to go to parties late at night," she snapped. "You know that the Red Room would take the chance to take you if they could."

I looked at my feet. My mom had told me many times how I needed to be careful, the Red Room would no doubt recruit me - being the daughter of one of their most deadly assassins.

"Are you even listening, Anastasia?" mom asked, getting angrier.

I looked back up at her, annoyed.

"I can't do anything else, can I?" I demanded.

I probably shouldn't have said that. I was on very thin ice as it was. My mom was probably thinking about sending me to Yelena's for a while. I saw my mom's eyes grow angrier than she already was, and she began to yell at me.

"I don't exactly remember raising my daughter to be this damn disrespectful!" she yelled in Russian. "If I was still trapped in the Red Room, you'd be trained like I was! Since you were born, I've done everything to protect you! And this is what I get? 17 years of hiding you, making sure you were safe! All I ask is for you to listen to me when I tell you that sneaking out to a party and drinking is dangerous!"

I averted my gaze and stared at the floor as her shouting attracted the attention of my dad - Steve - Wanda, Tony and Bucky. I could tell my mom wasn't going to calm down, and I think dad did too. He went over to mom and put his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. I bit my lip anxiously as my mom broke down in tears in his arms.

"Ana, go to your room," Bucky ordered, nudging me gently with his metal arm.

I didn't make eye contact as I ran to my room, but I could feel everyone looking at me. I didn't mean to drink. I thought it was just lemonade, but they'd put alcohol in it as a 'joke', knowing my mom would go over the top if she found out. I slammed the door shut and slid down the door, quietly crying. I hated myself sometimes.

"She's right you idiot!" I growled to myself. "You could just listen!"

I heard more yelling downstairs, this time between Tony and dad. I'd caused everyone to be mad. As I let more tears stream down my face, I rubbed my eyes roughly.

"You don't get to cry! You're the one being stupid Anastasia! You shouldn't get to be a Romanoff Rogers! You don't deserve that name!" I shouted at myself.


For a few hours, I just laid in my room, hating myself and wishing I had just listened to my mom and dad when they told me what was safe and dangerous. Wanda had knocked on my door with lunch, but I ignored her. I couldn't bring myself to eat or talk to anybody.

By the time it was 7.30pm, I was curled up on my bed, trying to fall asleep. I heard a gentle knock on my door. I ignored it, guessing it was Wanda again. But then I heard a familiar voice.

"Ana, it's me, please, open the door," it was mom.

I didn't expect her to want to see me at all today. I went over to the door and unlocked it, opening it.

"Mom..." I murmured.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"S-sure," I stuttered, letting her in.

She sat down on one end of my bed whilst I sat on the other.

"I didn't mean what I said earlier Ana... I wanted to apologise," mom began, but I cut her off, saying, "No. What I did was my fault. I should've listened."

I felt my mom looking at me, searching my downcast eyes for something.

"Come here my baby," she whispered, holding her arms out.

I felt a rush of warmth and relief as I let her wrap her arms around me in a comforting hug. I rested my head on her chest as she spoke to me.

"You're a teenager, I get it, you're going to do these things. I just can't bear the thought of losing you..."

"No mama, I'm sorry."

"Can I ask you one question before we forget all of this?"

I nodded. She pulled out of the hug and put her hands on my shoulders as I looked straight up into her green eyes.

"Did you drink at the party?"

"They put alcohol in the lemonade because they knew I wasn't allowed to drink alcohol."

"Baby, it's okay..."

I let myself be comforted by mom's embrace. She didn't hate me anymore. I don't think she ever did.

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