Girls like girls - P2

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Totally not listening to LGBT songs whilst writing these 🥖

The title is based off the song, I need to buy the book so badly but I don't wanna buy anything cuz my birthday is in a couple months 😭


We spent the first couple of hours playing video games - Peter flirting with MJ the whole time. I couldn't help feeling jealous. But was I allowed to feel jealous? After all, MJ might not even be into girls. I should be into guys, but they aren't my type. I've been asked so many times by girls at school if I was dating a guy yet, and each time I had to say no, they wanted to set me up with someone. I don't want that. I don't want to date a boy.

At around 1pm, we went to get McDonalds for dinner. I bought a McChicken sandwich, fries, a can of Fanta and an Oreo McFlurry - which surprisingly turned up. Peter bought a cheeseburger, fries, Coke and a brownie and MJ bought a Bacon Mayo burger, fries, lemonade and a Smarties McFlurry - again, the ice-cream surprisingly turned up. We sat in MJ's lounge on the sofa, watching YouTube on the TV whilst eating.


It was around 4pm, and Peter had gone to the bathroom. Me and MJ were alone in the lounge, sat next to each other on the sofa. The closeness of us made my heart speed up. I hated the feeling of having crushes but... it was oddly comforting. After a moment of scrolling on her phone, MJ looked at me and spoke.

"Are you into girls?" she asked.

I was taken by surprise. Was it obvious that I liked her? Had she noticed?

"I- Y-yeah I think?" I stuttered. "I don't actually know, but I think I am, maybe it's just a phase or something or-"

I stopped talking when I saw a smirk on the other girl's face. I saw something in her eyes, unrecognisable but there. She opened her mouth to speak but Peter came back in the room.

"Hey, MJ, can we talk?" he asked.

I felt my stomach drop and I felt sick.

"In uh... private?" Peter asked, glancing at me. "Sorry Ana."

"N-no it's fine," I assured him, standing up and beginning to walk away.

"Hey, you okay?" Peter inquired, catching my arm as I walked past. "You're really pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks," I replied, forcing a smile on my face.

I exited the room and closed the door behind me. I leant against the wall, feeling scared. This was it. Peter was going to ask MJ out, I just knew it. MJ now knows I probably like girls, had she guessed? What if she likes Peter? I pulled my phone out of my pocket and went to my contacts. My finger hovered over my mom's contact. Should I call her and ask her to pick me up now? No. She would know something was up. Instead, I left a sticky note on the wall.

I'm going for a walk, but didn't want to interrupt your convo. I'll be back in 15
                                                                                                            - Ana

I was walking around the streets, realising how close I actually was to the compound and that I could actually just walk back home. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom.


Hey mom, can I walk home l8r?

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