Trees and... bones?

447 8 0

Age: 15


"Ana don't!" Peter warned as I clambered up the tree.

I laughed.

"Chill, it's just a tree!" I laughed.

I grabbed onto the branch above my head and stepped up onto the next branch. I was now level with my window. I looked down and immediately looked back up after becoming slightly nauseated. The oak tree I'd climbed was at least 6 meters from the ground and I was as high as the third floor of the compound.

"Don't go any higher!" Peter called.

"Don't worry! I won't!" I assured.

"Maybe I should go tell someone just in-"

"Fuck off!" I cried as the breeze blew leaves into my face.

I gripped onto the branch I was holding tightly.

"Ana, come down please!" Peter pleaded from the ground.

I looked down at him with a mocking look.

"Why are you so scared?" I jeered. "I won't fall!"

I hope, anyway. I reached over to my window and slid it open. As I was reaching over, I felt my foot slip slightly. I quickly regained my balance.

"Anastasia, don't make me tell your mom!" Peter called.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled. "Stop worrying!"

I swear to god if Peter tells my mom, I'm going to disown him as a friend.

I put my right foot out towards the window and stepped forward, loosening my grip on the branch above me as I did so. Out of nowhere, a gust of wind blew more leaves into my face.

"Ana!" Peter screamed as I lost my balance.

I felt myself slide sideways. As my feet slipped, I scrambled to grip onto something, but I was already falling so fast that I couldn't grab onto anything. For a couple of seconds, I felt my stomach lurch as I fell through the air. I hit the ground.


"Tony, get something to straighten her arm temporarily!"

Anastasia gasped for breath as she woke up. She felt the breathing mask over her face and instinctively reached to remove it. I gently grabbed her arm and pushed it back down.

"Anastasia, look at me!"

My daughter's eyes steadied and she looked straight ahead of her, meeting my own emerald gaze.

"Mom?" she asked.

She shook her head roughly, trying to get the mask off.

"No, no, leave it Ana," I told her, moving to her left side and holding her uninjured hand.

"Wh-what happened?" Ana asked.

Her emerald eyes looked up at me, fear tainting the usually bright glow.

"You fell out of that tree you stupidly decided to climb," I replied bluntly.


I was honestly pretty annoyed that she'd gone and done something stupid like that. I wanted to interrogate her over why, but right now she was clearly very confused and a bit scared. More scared than my stubborn daughter would admit, of course.

"My arm hurts," Ana complained as Bruce took hold of it and began to straighten it.

She winced and looked over. Her eyes widened as she saw the broken mess it was. I removed the mask from Ana's face now I knew she was breathing okay and moved her head so she couldn't look at her arm.

"I didn't think I'd fall," she told me. "I was just trying to prove to Peter that I could get up to my window."

I suppressed an amused smile as I replied, "Well you certainly proved it. Maybe deciding to fall out of the tree wasn't a good idea though."

"You're mad, aren't you?" Ana guessed, diverting her eyes as she winced from the pain.


I decided it was no use lying to her. She knew anyway.

"That was incredibly stupid. You could've broken something other than your arm," I told her.

"I broke it?" Ana asked in barely more than a whisper.

I nodded.

"дерьмо," she muttered. (shit)

I cocked an eyebrow.

"дерьмо, you're the one who taught me Russian," Ana sighed.

"Да, я сделал," I replied. "Yes, I did."

"Прости мама." (sorry mom)

I smiled slightly.

"You're forgiven," I replied, brushing some hair out of her face. "Not for climbing the tree though."

Tony tapped me gently on the shoulder and indicated that he wanted to talk. I made sure Ana was okay with a quick glance then followed Tony out of the room.

"What's the damage?" I asked, worried.

"Well, she's fractured her radius," Tony told me.

I let out a small breath.

"Does she need-"

"Nope, she doesn't need surgery," Tony interrupted.

"Oh thank god," I sighed with relief. "How long will it take to heal?"

"Woah, woah, hold your horses Widow, let me explain this."

I knew from Stark's expression that I was in for a long few minutes. I adjusted the way I was stood then said, "Go on."


A couple of months later, the bone was healing well. I had my cast removed and was back to being able to climb trees. I'm kidding, mom would kill me if I set foot on a tree again.

"Hey Ana," Clint greeted as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," I replied, going over to the fridge.

"How's the arm?" Wanda asked, noticing my cast was off.

I got a bottle of energy drink and as I closed the fridge door replied, "Getting better."

I went over to the counter where they were sat.

"Why are you here?" I asked them, sliding onto a seat beside the witch.

"I'm not cooking for anyone tonight," Wanda said.

"I could," I offered.

Clint laughed and Wanda smiled.

"No way," Wanda replied. "I'm not letting you hurt your arm even more."

"Even more?" I scoffed. "Who says I'm gonna hurt it?"

"Your tendency to injure yourself, you clumsy..." Clint trailed off.

I mock glared at him, before snatching the paper he was holding from him. As my eyes scanned it, I saw it was a menu.

"Yep, we're ordering Chinese," Clint laughed.

"Well you know what to order me," I replied, standing up and beginning to walk away.

"Chicken Chow Mein and chips!" Wanda called.

"You guessed it!"

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