A/n - New story preview! (Natasha Romanoff x OC)

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Okay so I'm writing a new story, it's a romance between Natasha Romanoff and a character I created. Wondering if anyone would be interested, I'm posting a preview!!

Please comment your thoughts 🥺🙏



As I sat in the passenger seat of the car, feet on the dashboard, I was gazing at the redhead with a small smile.

"Was that a mutual friends thing?" I asked.

She kept her stoic stare on the road as she shook her head and replied, "Nope."

"Haters thing?"

Again, she shook her head.

"Then what?" I asked.

Natasha stayed silent, but bit her lip anxiously.

"Natasha, answer me."

She glanced at me and I saw some deep longing in her eyes, before she turned them back to the road. I scoffed disbelievingly.

"So you're gonna pin me against the wall and make out with me, deny it was a mutual friends thing or a haters thing, then just not answer me?" I inquired.

"It was nothing," she denied with a shake of her head.

God, this woman was so frustrating. I reached across suddenly and grabbed the steering wheel.

"The fuck you doing?" she cried as I slammed my foot on the brakes as we swerved onto a grass verge.

I turned to her and took her hands away from the steering wheel.

"Making sure you know that I don't wanna be stuck in this... friendship? Hate-ship?"

I knew my eyes were full of teal confusion, but they seemed to be reflected in Natasha's own entrancing emerald ones.

"I don't know either," she admitted, trying to turn her head away, but I took her chin in my hand and forced her to look at me.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you hate me," I ordered, to which she sighed and looked down. "Fine, look me in the eye and tell me you wanna be friends."

Natasha met my eyes again and spoke, "I wanna be friends with you."

To any other person, this would seem convincing, but her eyes flicked to my lips for the slightest of nanoseconds - something even I nearly missed. She swatted my hand away from her face and sat back in her seat with a sigh. The car fell into silence.

"Natasha, I-"

I was cut off by her left hand in my hair and her right on my lower back, her lips pressed against mine again. Surprised at first, I was stunned into paralysis. That was until I fully realised what was happening and my hands made their way to her waist, kissing her deeply, finally admitting the feeling that had been clawing at me for so long.

In that moment, it felt like nothing could hurt us.

The redhead was the one to pull back, but I could tell she only did it for oxygen. Her eyes were filled with what... lust? No, love.

"You like that?" she guessed with a soft smirk.

"I... it... you..."

Nat's hand reached for mine and she smirked as she saw how flushed my face was. I could feel how red it was. I nodded with a smile.

"Say it," she told me, leaning towards me again, so our faces were only inches apart.

"Say what?" I inquired innocently.

"Say it was good."

I could hear the redhead's elevated breathing as she waited.

"It was good," I repeated her words. "You're a... a really good kisser."

She smiled at my words.

"Thanks," she thanked.

"And I wasn't lying," I added with a smile, kissing her lips again.

"You're not bad yourself," she chuckled. "How much practice have you had?"

Truth be told, I'd only ever kissed one person before. When I was fifteen and in high school, I'd been dared to kiss the boy I liked. I never had a crush on a boy, but to cover it up I kissed one of the most popular boys in our year. It meant nothing to me.

"I kissed a boy when I was fifteen but it was on a dare," I admitted.

Natasha smiled.

"Then you're just brilliant at it," she replied, snaking her hands behind my neck and kissing me again.

When we pulled away, she said, "We should probably get going."

I nodded and sat back in the seat, putting my feet back on the dashboard as she turned back onto the road. Smirking at her, I said, "I'm glad I nearly drove us into a tree."

She scoffed, but a smirk played on her lips.

"Nobody hears of this, least of all [REDACTED]," she told me. "If you tell anyone, I will kill you."

"Okay," I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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