Girls like girls - P1

654 12 35

Age: 16


There's this person that I've been thinking about. Constantly. Ceaselessly. Continuously. The feeling you get when you realise you're in love with someone? That. Every time I see them. The problem is... she's a girl.

When I first realised I liked her, I honestly didn't know how to react. How do you react when your mind and heart are telling you you've got a crush on somebody your own gender? I've grown up with friends who always liked the opposite gender - nothing against them of course, they can love who they like.


"Earth to Ana?"

I jumped and saw Peter sat opposite me, a smirk resting on his lips. Shit, did he know? I was zoned out, staring at MJ who was sat at a table not far from ours.

"S-sorry, I just zoned out," I stuttered, shoving a piece of food in my mouth as to try make the situation less awkward.

"Staring at MJ?" Ned asked, drinking from his cup.

"No," I replied instantly. "My eyes just happened to be in her direction."

Peter chuckled, looking over at MJ. I saw him blush slightly, and Ned whispered something in his ear that made him go even redder and divert his gaze.

"Do you have a crush on MJ?" I asked quietly.

Peter looked at me quickly.

"I-I no," Peter stuttered.

I raised my eyebrows. That was an obvious lie.

"Fine, yes, I do," he replied.

I froze. I knew he liked her, it was obvious, but he just confirmed it. But... I liked her too. Both of us couldn't have a crush on her? Right?


After school that day, I was walking down the road with Peter and Ned, when I heard footsteps running behind us. Turning, I saw MJ running up behind us.

"Hey," she greeted us as we all stopped.

"Hi," Peter replied, getting flustered.

MJ smiled back. I felt jealousy. Why was I jealous? It was just a crush. He's allowed to like who he wants too.

"I was wondering if any of you wanted to come round to my house on Saturday?" MJ asked us all. "We can hang out."

Peter nodded immediately.

"I can come round," he said.

I thought for a moment, as Ned replied, "I can't come. Going to my grandmother's."

MJ turned her hazel eyes on me.


"Uhm, yeah, I can ask my mom," I replied.

"Okay," she nodded, smiling.

I looked past her and saw my mom's car pulling up. MJ followed my gaze and asked, "Is that anybody's mom?"

She looked back at me and I laughed shyly.

"Thought so," MJ replied. "Wait, here's my number."

MJ pulled out a pen and grabbed my hand, writing her number on the back of it.

"Oh, thanks," I thanked.

"I'll text you the address on Friday," she said as I said bye and walked over to the black car.

"Your friends?" mom asked.

I nodded and pulled out my phone as mom began to drive back home. I put in MJ's number and sent her a text.

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