With you forever

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Age: 19


See u later sweetie 😘

That was a week ago.

Mom, how long u gonna be?
Mama, i never got to tell you how much I loved u ❤
You were everything 2 me and u died
For a stupid fucking orange rock
Natalia Alianovna Romanova come back 2 me please
Its ur funeral 2day
Mama i miss you ❤

"Ana..." I heard a soft voice say from behind me.

I turned around when I heard the thick Russian accent. The blond took my phone out of my hand and turned it off.

"You can't do this to yourself," she told me, putting a hand on my cheek.

I pushed her hand away, not meeting her gentle gaze.

"I know how you feel. I promise you, I feel it too," she promised me, pulling me in for a hug.

She held my head into her chest with her right hand. Her left was wrapped around your back.

"Come on детка, cry," she whispered. "I know you need to."

I refused to listen to my Auntie Yelena, pushing against her.

"нет, детка," she didn't let go of me, only holding me tighter.

I shook my head the best I could. I couldn't cry. However hard I tried, the tears wouldn't come. I heard Yelena's heartbeat as I stopped trying to escape her loving grasp. I knew she was as stubborn as mom, if not more. After a few minutes, she asked, "Do you want to sit the funeral out?"

I backed away from Yelena, shocked she would suggest it.

"нет, нет, нет, never!" I cried, knowing that if I skipped the funeral I'd never forgive myself.

Yelena held my hands, then rubbed them, exclaiming, "Your hands are freezing, what have you been doing?"

"Nothing," I replied.

"Exactly. Nothing. You haven't been doing anything for a week," she told me.

"I couldn't," I replied, pulling away from my aunt.

"Ana, I know this is hard. It's hard for me too. But your mama's gone, there's no undoing it."

I felt the tears finally prick at my eyes.

"No!" I shouted. "She's not gone! You weren't there when everyone decided to time travel for the stones!"

I felt the tears spill down my face. I was in denial. She wasn't gone! My mom wasn't dead! She was going to come back!

"Ana please..."

"нет Yelena, нет!" I yelled, sadness overcoming me.

I ran up the stairs to my room, barely holding myself together.

"Ana wait!" I heard Auntie Yelena call.

I slammed the door behind me, before sliding down to the floor, sobbing with uncontrollable tears. All the feelings I'd pushed down came back up like an angry wave in a squall.

"Mama, come back, please," I begged quietly. "Don't leave me, I can't do this!"

As I broke down behind the door, I didn't hear Yelena stand on the other side of the door. She too was crying. Eventually, I heard her.

"Anastasia, let me in, please," she pleaded.

"нет, Auntie," I refused stubbornly, standing up.

I went over to my desk and looked at the scissors. No, Ana, don't do it! My fingers brushed over them, my brain in a fight with itself. I heard Yelena try the door handle, but I'd locked my door. Rolling up my sleeves, I picked up the scissors.

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