First mission - P1

236 10 2

Age: 20
Warning: Torture, stupid Hydra goons


Today was the day I went on my first mission. Well, it wasn't, because my first was when the Chitauri invaded and I almost died, but that wasn't a proper mission. That was kind of a just 'observe and fight if you have to'. But yesterday, Fury asked for me and told me I was going on a mission. Although my mom had been against it at first, now she was on the same page as me.

As I prepared, my mom entered the locker room where I was.

"Hey, Ana," she greeted.

"Hey mom," I replied, noticing a pair of her favourite red widow-bites in her hands. "What are those for?"

"You," she replied, coming over to me.

"But they're your favourite ones," I replied, tilting my head with confusion.

"Exactly, which is why I'm trusting you with them."

Mom indicated for me to hold my wrists out, and once I did she began to attach them.

"You'll do brilliantly," mom assured me.

"Thanks for letting me do this," I thanked her.

Mom smiled.

"It's only a small mission to go collect information."

I smiled gratefully at her, but my gut churned. I knew that this wasn't true. Fury had let me go undercover in a base to collect the data, but mom didn't know that. She'd flip out. Fury thought I'd told her, but I'd intercepted the mission file getting to her and fabricated it. I really wanted to go undercover, and I knew I could to it.



Two days later and I'd still heard nothing from Anastasia. I knew it was a long mission, but I thought I'd at least hear something from her. Something wasn't right, I knew it.

"I'm worried about her," I expressed my concerns to my husband. "There's something she didn't tell me."

Steve's brows furrowed as he thought.

"The mission file only said that it was a data retrieval, right?" he asked.

I felt the colour drain from my face. Was something fabricated about the file? Steve took my hand and we ran up to my room. I grabbed the file and we looked through it. Steve noticed something I didn't. The pages were numbered and it skipped from 2 to 5. I looked up at my husband.

"Ana's changed it," I half-whispered, fear beginning to wrack through me.

Steve rubbed his forehead, trying and failing to hide his worry.

"We need to call Fury, find out where he sent her," he said.

I nodded and pulled out my phone. I called him and paced impatiently until the phone was picked up.


"Oh, this is Maria," came a female voice. "Fury's busy right now."

"Maria, do you know where Fury sent Ana on the mission?" I asked fearfully.

"I thought you got the mission file?" Maria asked, confused.

"She took out part of it. Probably because she knew I wouldn't let her go."

A momentary silence was followed by Maria's response of, "She was sent undercover in an active Hydra base."

"What?" I snapped.

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