She doesn't like baths

486 16 0

Age: 6


My daughter never liked bath time. If it was up to her, she'd never wash. Sadly for her however, it wasn't up to her.

"Ana, bath time," I told her, walking into her bedroom.

"What?" she asked, mouth open as I entered her room. "мама I don't want bath."

The toy animals she was playing with hung in her small hands and her mouth was set in a frown. I chuckled slightly at her stubbornness.

"Come on Ana, whilst the water's warm," I said, walking over to her.

The small red-head threw her toys on the carpet and stood up.


"Anastasia..." I warned in a low voice. "Get in the bath or you'll go to bed early."

"What?" Ana cried. "No! No bath time! No bed!"

My daughter's protests were met with my arms as I picked her up.

"Mammy no!" she shouted as I carried her out of her bedroom.

As I carried her towards the bathroom, my daughter's loud screams were all that could be heard echoing around the compound. Honestly, somebody was gonna think I was brutally murdering her the way she was screaming. When we got to the bathroom, I shut the door and placed her down. I stood in front of the door in case she decided to make a run for it, but she seemed to realise she was beaten and began to quiet down. I helped undress her, then lifted her into the bath. I picked up the tub of bath toys and put them in the water beside her.

"Mama, a seahorse!" Ana cried, taking a yellow rubber seahorse from the tub.

I smiled softly at her as I put some shampoo in her ginger hair. I gently scrubbed her scalp clean as she splashed in the bath with her toys. Anastasia was always a bit of a drama queen - throwing a tantrum before she got in the bath - but once she was in, she loved to play with her toys.


Eventually came the task of getting her out of the bath. Now it was going to be hard to get her out. I took the bath toy gently from her hands and prepared a towel for her.

"Mama I want to stay here," Ana told me, splashing her hand in the water.

"You didn't even want to get in at first," I pointed out with a smile.

"But I like bath now!" Ana protested.

"Come on, stand up sweetie," I told her, pulling the plug from the water.

She pouted but surprisingly actually stood up. I put the towel around her as I noticed her begin to shiver and lifted her out of the bathtub. Placing her on the mat next to the bath, I realised she still had the rubber seahorse clutched in her hands.

"Are you gonna put the seahorse back in the bath?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and threw it in the bath. It made a clunk as it hit the side of the bathtub, then a splash when it fell into the draining water.

"How come seahorses get to stay in the bath?" Ana asked as I began to dry her. "It's not fair!"

"Seahorses live in water," I told her.

"Do they breathe water?" Ana asked, fascinated by my answer.

"They absorb oxygen from the water," I replied.

"How?" Ana asked.

"How about you find Bruce or Tony when you're changed and ask them to explain?" I suggested.

"Okay mama," Ana agreed.



Short one, but hey, why not

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