Pregnancy cravings

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Age: Not yet born :D


Natasha lay on her bed on her back, staring at the ceiling for no reason except - she was bored. A knock at her closed door made her snap, "What?"

The door opened and revealed Wanda stood in the doorway. Natasha sighed irritably.

"Are you okay?" the taller red-head asked.

"Yes," Natasha answered simply. "Just bored."

"How about you come on a walk with me?" Wanda suggested.


"Or help me cook so Yelena doesn't burn down the kitchen?"

Wanda said this with a giggle.


The witch's face fell.

"I just thought-"

"Fucking hell Wanda I said I'm fine!" Natasha shouted.


"Get out!"

Wanda stood in a stunned silence for a second, before whispering, "I'm sorry," and retreating out of the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Nat felt bad for shouting at the younger girl as quickly as she'd done it, but it was done now. She sat up and passed her hands gently over the bump in her tummy. It was quite large now - Natasha was around 7 months already.

"I wonder who you'll become маленький?" Nat murmured. (little one)

After a few minutes, the red-head stood up and left her room, suddenly getting the urge to eat strawberries and grapes. She walked to the kitchen slowly, where Wanda, Yelena and Kate were cooking. Well, trying to cook.

"Natasha, watch out!" Kate called as she ran past with a pan of hot water.

Nat rolled her eyes. Kate was obviously going to spill boiling hot water out of a pan if she ran with it. Natasha made her way to the fridge, where Wanda had opened the door.

"Oh hey Nat," Wanda greeted with a smile.

"Sorry for earlier," Nat apologised.

"It's alright," Wanda replied. "What do you want?"

Nat smirked.

"I feel like you know," she replied.

"Strawberries and grapes?" Wanda guessed, passing the older red-head two boxes.

"Thanks," Natasha replied, and went to sit on one of the barstools to watch the three cook.

She picked the grapes from the stems and asked suddenly, "Has Tony been eating these?"

Yelena giggled.

"I did see him come out of the kitchen with grapes earlier," she replied.

"That greedy-" Natasha stopped herself, seeing Kate looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "Nevermind."


Later that night, Natasha and Steve were curled up in bed watching TV in Natasha's room. They were watching Wargames (1983), snacks and drinks beside them. Steve had a bottle of beer, whilst Nat had her apple juice. Halfway through the film, with the lights turned off, the pregnant red-head kept looking over at Steve's beer.

Eventually, he noticed.

Chuckling, the super-soldier said, "You can't have this."

Nat stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

"Just a bit," she tried to persuade her boyfriend, but he simply wrapped his arm around her with a smile.

"You said you wouldn't, for the baby," he pointed out.

"I know, but just a tiny sip won't hurt," Natasha replied.

Steve ignored his girlfriend's persuasive tone. Usually, Nat's pleading voice would make Steve give in no matter what. It was Natasha's way of getting what she wanted.

"Pleaseeee," Natasha pleaded loudly as Steve turned up the TV.

He continued to ignore her.

"Come onnnn, or I'll go get a full beer myself!" Natasha threatened.

"No you won't sweetheart," Steve chuckled.

Natasha huffed and laid back against the headboard. After a minute of the two being silent and watching the film, Natasha grabbed the empty bowl (that contained snacks only 10 minutes ago) and got out of bed.

"I'm filling these up," she told him, before going downstairs.

When she got into the kitchen, she flicked the light on and saw Tony with his head in the fridge. Going over, Tony quickly closed the door, holding something behind his back. Natasha eyed him suspiciously.

"What have you got?" she asked.

"Uhm, nothing," Tony replied, clearly lying.

Natasha went over to the fridge and opened the door. She blinked with surprise when she saw almost a full shelf had been devoted to boxes of grapes and strawberries, neatly ordered.

"I got a little hungry putting them away," Tony said, taking his hand from behind his back and putting a grape in his mouth.

Natasha turned around and chuckled.

"Thanks," she thanked him.

"No problem," Tony replied with a nod of his head. "Whatever you need, and not just because you'll kill us all if not."

Natasha smiled and pulled out a box of strawberries, just as she was about to leave the kitchen, she turned and asked, "Do you by any chance have any alcohol I can have a small sip of?"

"Absolutely not Romanoff," Tony replied. "Whatever Steve said to you when you likely asked for some of his beer was correct."

Natasha smiled sarcastically, "Oh you know me so well don't you?"

"Yep, I do!"

Natasha switched the light off as she left, leaving Stark in the darkness.



I need to do Romanogers fluffy one-shots... ideas please?

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