Welcome to cooking with Yelena!

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Age: 13


"Where's my favourite niece?"

I - currently dawdling down the stairs at a slow pace - quickly sped up. As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I found myself embraced in a tight hug from my Aunt Yelena.

"So, I got what you asked," she started, beginning to take things out of the shopping back she had brought.

I saw my redhead mother raise a questioning eyebrow, but I just smiled at her and watched Yelena as she showed me various cooking ingredients.

"Come on, let's go," she said with a grin. "Take the ingredients into that big kitchen you have."

I picked up the shopping bag and went into the kitchen, before unpacking. Aunt Yelena had bought all the ingredients to make brownies. After waiting a minute, Aunt Yelena came into the kitchen, followed by my mom and a concerned Tony.

"Chill out Stark, it isn't like I'm going to burn down this... this beautiful kitchen," she scoffed.

"Don't feed his ego," I heard mom whisper. "It really won't do him any good."

Tony pointed a finger at mom and said jokingly, "I heard that Romanoff."

Mom simply smirked.

"They won't burn down the kitchen," she assured. "If they do, they'll both answer to me."

Mom gave Yelena a stare, but only fixed me with a humorous glare.

"They'd better not. Or they're both paying for the cost of fixing it," Tony warned.

"Says the literal billionaire," I scoffed with a playful smirk.

"Shush, little Romanoff," Tony held a finger up, so I mockingly glared at him. "And enough with the attitude!"

I just turned away with a snort of laughter.


Half an hour later, the kitchen smelled of melted chocolate, and the sound of an electric whisker was all that could be heard over the sound of the music that Auntie Yelena had playing.

"Is it done yet?" Yelena asked loudly as I whisked the egg and sugar.

I turned off the whisker and dipped the beaters in the eggy mouse, before lifting them out. The mixture remained on the surface before sinking in.

"Yep," I replied.

I glanced over at what my aunt had been doing. She had been cutting chocolate into chunks.

"What next?" I asked.

With a nod of her head towards the cooled down melted chocolate, she replied, "Mix that in with the egg, then put in the flour and cocoa powder."

I nodded and poured the melted chocolate into the egg, along with the powdery ingredients. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. I spun around and saw Aunt Yelena, holding a chunk of chocolate. She laughed and commented, "Just like your mother."

I grinned and she said, "Open your mouth."

I did so and my aunt popped the chunk of chocolate into my mouth. The chocolate quite honestly tasted really posh, so I asked her where she got it from.

"Aaaah that's my secret little Ana," she replied with a smile and a wink.

"I think you got the words 'secret' and 'little' the wrong way around," I pointed out as I mixed the mixture carefully together.

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