A Bucket goes on a date

224 7 31

Age: 15


"PETER PARKER!" I yelled from the top of the drive.

"What?" he called, not picking up his pace.


That made him speed his slow ass up.

"What?" he asked once he reached me. "Who with?"

"Sharon," I replied, internally disappointed.

She was infinitely irritating, why Bucky had asked her out was beyond me. And even then she played hard to get. Don't ask me how I know this. Just know I can hack into Tony's security. Ha.

"Oh, why her?" Peter asked, his face dropping.

"I have no idea, literally nobody even likes her. Sam pretends to like her, but he really cannot stand her. Even dad has to pretend to like her. And he likes everyone."

Peter followed me inside.

"You got any advice for him?" I asked, leading my best friend upstairs and towards the floor where the bedrooms are.


"Dating, duh."

"Uh, no not really," Peter stuttered.

I laughed as I walked towards Bucky's room.

"I forgot you don't have any experience with girls," I laughed.

"Neither do you!" Peter pointed out.

I spun around, smirking.

"I'm not gay Peter."

I turned back around and knocked quickly on Bucky's door.

"Looks like he'll be getting advice about girls, from a girl."

The door opened.

"Hey Buck!" I greeted with a grin.

"Oh, hey little super-soldier," he greeted, tightening the tie.

I looked his outfit up and down.

"Does it look okay?" Bucky asked, fret clear in his voice.

"You look quite handsome to be honest," I admitted. "A girl your age really would be attracted to you."

Bucky raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," I chuckled. "Sorry, I forgot, everyone your age is dead."

He gently grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room.

"Hey!" I protested.

"I need some help," he admitted.

I tilted my head, then smirked, going over to his bed and sitting down, cross-legged.

"I'm all ears."

I noticed Peter stood in the doorway.

"Come in, he won't bite," I told him, to which Bucky added with a smirk, "But I might punch."

My best friend honestly looked scared.

"Pete, don't take it so literally, he's just messing with you," I assured.

Peter nodded and perched himself on the edge of Bucky's bed.

"What do you wanna know?" I asked the super-soldier as he turned back to the mirror to perfect his suit.

"What do women like?" he asked.

"Uhh... Can you elaborate?"

"What do they like in a man?"

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