The doom of the car seat

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Age: 3


My daughter never liked using her car seat. I had to be smart to try and convince her to get in it and for me to be able to buckle her in. Eventually, after what was a disastrous attempt to try take her to the mall in the car, I got in contact with the only other mother I knew - Melina.

"Melina, hey," I greeted.

"Ah, Natasha, привет!" came the response down the phone.

"I need help with Anastasia," I sighed, rubbing my forehead and glancing at my daughter.

She was sat on the rug, playing with her stuffed animals. Steve was sat opposite her, attempting to get involved but constantly getting told to wait.

"Wait papa wait!" Ana cried, then continued to play with the stuffed dolphin toy.

"What is the matter?" Melina asked. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's alright, but I need help convincing her to let me buckle her into her car seat," I replied.

I heard laughing from Melina.

"Oh мой детка, you've grown up so much," she commented with a chuckle.

I couldn't help but smiling at this. Although she was my adopted mother and she gave up me and Yelena to the Red Room, she did care about us.

"Do you remember when you were little and Yelena refused to get into her car seat?" Melina inquired.

"Yeah," I replied. "She'd scream until her throat was sore. She hated it."

"You can't just force her into it, or she'll develop a fear for travelling in the car," Melina told me. "You need to trick her."

"What?" I asked, sharper than I meant to. "Trick her?"

"Natasha, you need to do this sort of stuff sometimes," Melina replied. "It's not like you're tricking her into drinking poison."

After I didn't respond, she added humorously, "Well, if you put your mind to it you could probably convince your husband poison was orange juice."

"Seriously Melina?" I quizzed.

"Sorry, I just had to point it out," came the chuckle down the phone.

"No papa stop!" Ana whined, and I turned to see a pout on her face.

My husband didn't know what to do, so just sat back and watched.

"Okay, what did you do with Yelena?" I asked with a resigned sigh.

With a chuckle, Melina replied, "Convince her that the car can't start if she isn't buckled in. Take her out to get ice cream or something, then when the little one refuses to let you buckle her in, pretend like the car won't start. It might take a few tries, but it should work."

"Thanks Melina," I thanked her.

"You're welcome. Good luck Natasha."

I hung up and put my phone down, before walking over to my husband and daughter.

"Who wants to go get ice cream?" I asked.

"Meee!" Anastasia yelled, dropping her toys and holding her arms out.

"Come on then, let's get in the car," I said, taking her hand to help her stand up.

Steve send me a quizzical look in which I returned a knowing nod.


Once the inevitable squirming and fighting had begun, I simply sighed and stepped away. Ana grinned at her victory of not being buckled into her car seat as I closed the door.

"I know that look," Steve commented, noticing the look on my face.

"You guessed it," I replied with a smirk. "Maybe I had a little help from Melina."

As we got in the car, I told Steve, "Yelena also had a tantrum every time she had to get in the car."

Steve laughed.

"Now why can I imagine that?" he joked. "Your sister is hilariously stupid sometimes."

I smirked.

"Maybe," I replied.

"Mama I want ice cream!" Anastasia cried from the back seat.

I turned the engine on and revved the car.

"Why won't it start?" I asked, loud enough for my daughter to hear.

Steve added, "Is everyone buckled in? You know the car won't start if everyone isn't buckled in."

"I could've sworn I buckled everyone in," I replied, faking confusion.


I heard the quiet voice of my daughter from behind.

"Yes детка?"

"You forgot me..."

Ana's voice was sad but I knew her want for ice cream was more than her wish to not be buckled in. I turned around and pretended to look surprised that she wasn't buckled in.

"That's why!"

I hopped out of the car and went around to Ana's side and opened the door. I reached to buckle her in, and although she looked annoyed, she didn't try to stop me. Did I feel bad for tricking her? Maybe, but it would hopefully make her remember that she needed to be buckled in for her own safety.

"Natasha, the car's starting!" Steve called, turning the engine on.

I quickly got back in the front seat and clipped my seatbelt on. Turning my head to Ana, I asked, "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Ana shrugged her shoulders.

"I want ice cream," she stated, seeming a lot less excited now she had to admit to not being buckled in.

"Of course детка," I replied with a smile.


As we began to drive, Steve quietly said to me, "I assume that was your plan?"

I nodded.

"You approve?"

He smiled and glanced back at our now quiet daughter who was occupied with the stuffed wolf she had brought along for the ride.

"It's a good tactic," my husband commented.

"Not gonna lie I wasn't exactly on board with it at first," I admitted.

"Nat, I honestly don't know how you've never had to use a little bit of trickery with her before now," Steve chuckled.

I cast him a fake offended look.

"The car seat has been defeated," Steve laughed, holding his hands up. "Well done babe."

I smirked with humour.

"You didn't too badly yourself, not accidentally telling her the whole truth," I joked.

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