The One With The Seahawks And 49ers

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AN: This is the football game chapter, although the chapter isn't bases solely around it. Enjoy!

"Mom?" Meredith called out as she walked into her mother's house, carrying Aubrie. She left all the luggage she had brought in the car.

"Meredith." She said walking from the direction of the kitchen. "How was the flight?" She asked before taking Aubrie from me.

"It was fine. Hey, by chance could you watch Aubrie on Sunday or take her to the daycare at the hospital for me?" 

"Why? Need a break from her?" She asked out of curiosity.

"No, I mean yes but i'm gonna go to the game with this guy."

"This guy?"

"Oh, yeah, you know who he is."

"I do? Who is it?"

"Derek. He didn't give a last name. Said he was a neurosurgeon at the hospital."

"Ah. Derek Shepherd. Nice guy. How did you meet him?"

"He was next to us on our flight up here. He said he got called back into to work, but I think he just wanted an excuse to get away from him family."

"Possibly, well I will take her up stairs, but her in the crib and you can go out and get your stuff."

After she brought in her stuff, she went upstairs, checked on Aubrie before laying down in the bed that was placed in the same room as Aubrie's and fell asleep.

The next morning Meredith was awoken at around 8:00 by the sound of her cell phone.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey. It's Derek."

"Right, hey."

"Just wanted to check in on you and make sure you got in safe."

"We did. Thanks for checking on us."

"So, I know this is kinda soon but did you happen to find a place for Aubrie on Sunday? I mean i'm just curious since the game is tomorrow."

"Right, my mom said she'll drop her off at the daycare at the hospital in the morning. So, I guess i'm free that day then."

"Perfect, we have the late game, so it starts at 8, i'll pick you up at around 5:30 then so we can beat the pre game traffic."

"Sounds perfect, see you then."

"Yes, you will." He said and she hung up right after he said that.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking and going out in town to run a few errands. Meredith's mom had to be at the hospital all night, so it was just her and Aubrie. Meredith ordered pizza for dinner, gave Aubrie her dinner, gave her a bath, put her in her walker, and took a shower herself. Around 9, she put Aubrie to bed, and Meredith fell asleep around 11.

The next morning Meredith woke up to the smell of eggs being made and Aubrie missing from her crib. She knew she was down stairs with her mother so she wasn't too worried. She tried to fall back asleep but couldn't and walked down stairs, and into the kitchen.

"Good morning baby girl." Meredith said walking over to the highchair Aubrie was sitting in and kissed the top of her head.

"Good morning. Do you want anything to eat?" Ellis asked.

"I''ll make myself some cereal. Thanks, though."

"What time does the game start tonight?"

"8, but Derek said he would pick me up around 5:30."

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