chapter 9

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a/n: i would just like to say that i have never proof read anything ever in my entire life so that also goes for anything i've ever written on here my bad g

4 days later

Missed call Gus (24)
iMessage Gus (112)
open to read message
Facetime Gus (9)

I hadn't moved far from my bed the last 4 days. I hadn't made any effort to acknowledge gus either. if i'm being honest, i didn't really care what was true or what wasn't at this point. he lied, and i felt betrayed. i can't help but think this whole thing was a mistake after all. 

three loud bangs on my bedroom door startled me. "what?" i asked. "can i come in?".


danica, one of my roommates, cracked the door open. "hey" she said. "hi?" i responded.

"i just noticed you haven't been out of your room like, at all, in a few days. i was just checking on you" she said. "i'm fine, thanks" i told her.

"are you sure?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. "i'm fine, really, thanks" i insisted. she gave me the "i don't believe you look".

"you can go" i told her, gesturing to the door. she shook her head and walked out.

i chose to not tell any of them about gus for many reasons, the first being i really don't like any that much to share my life stories with them, the second being from what i had shared with them, none of them liked gus and i didn't want to hear shit from them.

maybe i didn't want to hear it because they'd be right, i shouldn't have ever gotten back together with him.

i felt my phone vibrating, i dug it out from under the blankets on my bed.

"Unknown Caller ID" displayed across my screen.

i accepted the call, hesitating to speak for a moment.

"hello?" i asked.

"jj, i'm so glad you answered". layla's voice on the other line sent chills down my spine.

"how'd you get my number?" i asked, "oh that doesn't matter. i just wanted to say thank you, just stay away from gus, and out of our lives. thanks" she said.

then the line went dead.

out of anger, i went to hit gus' name on my call list. i stopped just before my finger hit the screen.

it was time to let go, obviously he saw something in her, no matter what he says he proposed to her, they were engaged, he loved her. it was never me and it was never going to be me.


gus' pov

i kept staring at my phone, waiting for jj to answer me. the screen stayed black.

i heard the knob of my front door turn. i cautiously approached, for some reason hoping it would be jj.

"what the hell are you doing here?" i filled with rage, seeing layla standing infront of me.

"i'm sure she told you, but i wanted to tell you myself babe, i'm pregnant, you're gonna be a dad!" she smiled.

"you're lying" i told her, this was classic layla behaviour.

"of course i'm not, why would I lie about that. i'm already 3 months" she told me.

"get a paternity test" i told her. "are you accusing me of cheating on you?" she asked.

"yes" i said blankly.

"i'd never do that to you! don't you want this? a family?" she pleaded.

"not with you" i told her.

"now get the fuck out before i call the cops, and go get a fucking paternity test. i refuse to believe it's mine you sleazy fucking bitch" i began to yell, losing my temper.

was it impossible it was my kid? no. i knew layla, after the engagement break off she slept with anyone that breathes.

she didn't move, so i grabbed her by the arm, practically dragging her out the door.

she'd refuse to let me be happy, i thought i'd finally gotten rid of her and i have no clue how she found out jj and i had gotten back together.

we'd been completely out of contact since i started seeing jj again.

i pulled out my phone, hopelessly calling jj again, watching it ring, the voicemail message beeped, again.

"jj, it's me, again. please call me back. please" i was giving up hope.

i know she feels betrayed right now but i just need to talk to her, none of this changes how i feel about her, and no matter what is or isn't true i want to be with her, only her.

of course my doubts were stronger than my belief but what if it is mine? i'm not ready to be a dad, certainly not with layla. i don't want to fall into the classic "deadbeat musician baby daddy, has nothing do with his kid or it's bitch mom" but i couldn't imagine living any sort of life with layla. she was absolutely insane.

she better be at the clinic getting a paternity test. i need to know the answer to something, from someone. jj isn't talking to me, layla is lying and crazy, i don't really want to talk to any of my friends about this mess.

i'll go to the clinic but i already know it's yours babe
you really think i was cheating on you?

we haven't been 'together' in a long time, no one was cheating 

they need a dna sample from you

fine. don't come near me. just leave me alone from now on until we know

i sighed, frustrated. i cant believe this is what my life has come to but i begrudgingly got ready to go give this stupid dna sample.

if there is a god, please help me out here.

i gave one more hopeless attempt at calling jj.

"hey, you've reached jj! leave a message" again

i shoved my phone back in my pocked, storming out the door.

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