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Y/N Pov

"Hey Y/N! Could you throw me a clothes hanger!" Lara yelled as I went into my closet and grabbed a few. When Lara asked for something, she wanted multiple. Usually. I walked out of my room's door as Lara stood in hers across the hall. I quickly threw the hangars across the hall as she caught them and went back into her room. I was the closest with Lara out of everyone else in our family. Except for dad but he's... gone... I hope he's resting in peace. I fixed my tie as I looked in the mirror as I got ready for our trip. We were going to Liberio. It was an interment zone in Marley. I saw it in dad's memories. It's where all the other Eldians are, our race. Uncle David had a speech at a festival and we all had to be there. Once I finished I walked out of my room as Lara did at the same time as we walked downstairs outside to our carriage. The rest of our family was there as well. We would depart soon.


"Y/N, if anyone asks you about your power, don't share any knowledge. We cannot afford letting the public know about it."

"Why?" I asked after Uncle David's statement. 

"It would cause trouble. If the public knew you were given the power instead of someone older than you, there would be chaos. There was already chaos when your father was given the power, and the only reason why you have it now is because he wanted you to have it. There is a cost for everything Y/N. And now you will have to pay the price." After I gained this power and ate my father, uncle David has been colder. Like he despises me. If he wants power so much, why doesn't he take it after my thirteen years are up? Once we arrived in Liberio, it was already late at night. We got off and were led to a huge hotel, with many guards like the ones at home stationed around. Us kids were led to a big room where we would all stay as everything was already set up. 

"You kids get some rest. You'll have introductions to the public tomorrow." A guard said as he shut the door. Well... nothing else to do but sleep. It was just me, Lara, and Willy in the room as we all prepared and eventually went to bed.

----- Dream -----

"Please Charles! You don't have to take the power!" It sounded like a young uncle David as he had tears brimming his eyes. He was staring at father, who looked to be in his young twenties. He had a syringe in one hand, like the one I had. He looked up at, was that... grandma? I heard father say she was the sweetest woman he ever met. I wish I could have met her. Father then brought the syringe up to his arm as he looked back at uncle David, and the rest of our family.

"I have to do this, David. I have to make a difference. I have to change something. If I can't, then my son will. But I can only change something, if I have this power within me. The power of the war hammer." Father said as he stuck the syringe in his arm. He injected it into himself as uncle David looked shocked and scared. There was a large yellow lightning bolt and-

----- End of Dream -----

I awoke as the sun shone into my eyes. Everyone else was asleep. Was that a dream? No. A memory. Of my fathers I think. I've had many visions of my fathers past life in the past three years. Is that how he gained the power I have now? Were uncle David and dad close? I never saw them talk really. Is that why uncle David is so cold to me? He didn't want to lose dad? Everyone soon awoke as well as we prepared for the day. There would be introductions to high ranking officers who also travelled here from other places. 


We arrived in a large ballroom as there were many people around, eating and drinking, along with a few kids running around. Willy quickly ran off as uncle David and auntie Abigail greeted people. They looked different then anyone else I'd seen before. 

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