Training Grounds

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Y/N Pov

It had been two years since me, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie broke down wall Maria. We lived in wall Rose with these devils until we joined the military. We didn't know we could join until recently, so we signed up and made it in. We were standing in lines, facing forward as the instructor walked through the lines, yelling at people and insulting them. 

"What is your name and where are you from magot!" He yelled in my face as I stared at him. (forward, up, down, whatever you want) 

"Sir!" I yelled as I saluted. Their salute is putting their right hand over their heart, in a fist and the left hand behind your back.

"Y/N L/N from Shiganshina sir!" I responded. Shiganshina is where Bertholdt broke the first wall. I'm just copying what some others said. He continued to look me up and down before moving on. He didn't ask me the other questions he was asking the others. Eventually we all turned around. There were multiple people he embarrassed but the one that caught us all off guard was a girl, Sasha, eating a potato. And her explanation was... interesting. After that we had time to relax until dinner in the cafeteria. I decided to stay away from Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie, so just in case they were found out, they wouldn't suspect anything from me. 

"Yeah okay. I saw the big guy." Some kid spoke loudly. Eren, I think. A big group had formed around him as he ate. The group questioned him as they talked more. He answered all their questions until they got to a question, 'What were they like?'. That's where he seemed to go into shock.

"Hey. You're Y/N right?" A blonde boy introduced himself to me. Armin, I remember. 

"Yeah. You're Armin, right?" I asked, putting up an act. 

"Yeah. You wanna come sit with us?" He asked as he pointed to a table. There was another person there, a girl with long black hair and a red scarf. 

"Sure." I said as we walked to the table and sat down, the girl just stared at me. More like glared at me.

"Mikasa stop glaring at him." Armin said as Mikasa didn't pay attention to what he said.

"So this is Mikasa, Mikasa, Y/N, Y/N, Mikasa." Armin said as I offered my hand for her to shake.

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." She said quietly as we shook hands. The room suddenly went quiet as the group around Eren seemed to just stare at him. We all looked over confused until another person spoke. Marco, I think.

"Come on. That's enough questions alright. I'm sure he'd not want to relive everything he went through." He said to the group as some people apologized.

"That's Eren." Armin said as he pointed towards Eren.

"He's also from Shiganshina. You can see that he's, very charismatic. Actually, aren't you from Shiganshina? I never saw you anywhere." Armin asked as I nodded.

"Yeah. I stayed home and did a lot of household things. But after the wall broke, I decided to join the army." I lied.

"It's not like that. Those stupid titans. They're really not that big a deal. If we focus on mastering the omni directional mobility gear they give us, then it's titan payback time. I've waited years to be trained as a soldier. All the sudden the realities are sinking in. I'm joining the scout regiment. Then I'm sending the titans back to hell. I'm gonna butcher them all." Eren finished as another person spoke up, Jean. He got humiliated by being headbutt. It was kinda funny.

"Hey are you crazy or something? Not that it's my business but signing up for reconnaissance is like a death sentence." He said as Eren turned to him.

"I guess we'll see. Or at least I will. You seem content hiding in the interior with the MPs."

"Look, I'm just speaking honestly here kid. I think it's better than being some loud mouth bragger tough guy wanna be pretending he's not as piss scared then the rest of us." Jean quipped as Eren stood up.

"Are you trying to pick a fight?"

"Stop it you guys-"

"Alright sure. Makes no difference to me."

"As you can see, Eren's also kind of a hot head." Armin said as Jean and Eren faced each other, but right as they did the bell rang. Breaking the tension. Eren then walked out of the room as Mikasa immediately got up to follow.

"Mikasa is also kind of protective over Eren."

"Must be nice." I responded to Armin.

"What do you mean?"

"Always having someone looking out for you." I said as Armin nodded.

"Well, you have us now. We're allies." We're allies. Shit. I can't get attached now. I'm going to have to kill them all later. Just for the founder. Actually, will I have to kill them all? I stood up after that as I said goodbye to Armin.

"I'm gonna go. Gotta get some early sleep." I said as Armin waved bye to me. As I walked outside onto the porch of the cafeteria, I saw Jean staring at Mikasa and Eren as he seemed like he was daydreaming.

"Looks like someone is down bad." I made fun of Jean as he turned to me.

"No I'm not!"

"Looks like someone's in denial." I said as Jean just became more angry. 

"Shut it!" Jean yelled at me again as I walked away.

"Yeah yeah. See ya horseface." I quipped as he glared at me more. 


"It's altitude test time so listen up! There is no place for you here if you cannot perform! Fail, and be shipped to the fields!" Instructor Keith Shadis yelled at us as we all went to test our balance with these machines. They were supposed to replicate the omni directional maneuvering gear, or odm gear. To see our practice. I eventually stepped up as they connected the wires to me. I was lifted off the ground as I could easily stay in place without moving. This is easy. How were the others struggling with this? Some instructors walked by as they watched me for a while before moving on. I was eventually let down as I watched the others go. Reiner had a little trouble but got it eventually. It was pretty easy for Bertholdt, and Annie didn't seem to be trying. On the other hand, Eren was upside down. Everyone crowded around him as he struggled to balance. After a while, and after everyone had finished, we were all sent off to break. Reiner secretly called us to meet with Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner. 

"Guys, we need to stick together. If we don't, these island devils will kill us. They're more despicable than ever." Reiner said as the rest of us just sighed in annoyance.

"Reiner, Porco was right. You've been manipulated so much by Marley. We need to stay separated. Just in case one of us get caught, the others won't be suspected." I explained to Reiner as he shook his head.

"No. We had to stay together. We're stronger together."

"Y/N's right. Reiner. If one of us gets caught, then the others won't get caught. I agree with Y/N." Annie supported me as Reiner shook his head.

"No. We're soldier- I mean warriors. We need to find the founder, and go back to Marley." 

"What? We just need to find the jaw, and we won't be killed once we get back." Annie said as Reiner looked confused.

"What? What do you mean? We have the jaw with us. Marcel is with the others." Reiner said, leaving the rest of us speechless. What the fuck?

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