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It had been a couple of days since Trost, and people were still recovering. While we were given a break for a day or two, we were forced back into it, by cleaning Trost district of the bodies. This is also the time when we finalized our regiment decisions. There was also news about a survey corp expedition taking place in thirty days, so I decided to meet with the others to discuss some things.

"What regiments did you guys go to?" Reiner asked as we sat down on some crates, hidden away in a back alley of Trost.

"Military Police." Annie responded quickly.

"Survey Corp." I said as both Reiner and Bertholdt seemed to realize something.

"Wait, both me and Bertholdt signed up for survey corp too, aren't one of us supposed to go garrison?" Reiner asked as I blinked twice, processing the dumbass shit that just came out of his mouth.

"Reiner, we assigned you and Bertholdt to garrison." I said as Reiner's breath hitched, like he was expecting a punishment. 

"It doesn't matter. We just need to plan for the expedition coming up." I said as Reiner breathed a sigh of relief. Fucking shithead.

"My plan is, for one of us, preferably Annie or Reiner to sneak out and transform outside, and capture Eren." I stated simply as Reiner and Bertholdt nodded, followed by Annie.

"I'll do it. I don't trust that blockhead." Annie said as Reiner tilted his head in confusion.

"What did I do-"

"What do you mean what did you do?! You almost got us caught dumbass. Obviously I don't trust you. You almost jeopardized everything! You almost failed us the mission! All your all about 'I'll be the hero, I'll lead us, I'll save the day'. The only reason you're here is because of how indoctrinated you are!" Annie suddenly burst out at Reiner. What did he do to make Annie this mad? How did he jeopardize the mission?

"Reiner, what did you do?" I asked calmly, like a parent addressing their child after they did something wrong.

"I- I... Me and Reiner were talking about what to do, like warrior stuff and Marco found us. He walked up to us, asking what we were talking about. He overheard us, so... Reiner made the decision to kill him. We took his ODM gear. And let a titan eat him." Bertholdt explained as Annie held her head low. Reiner had a look of shock on his face as Bertholdt also just gazed at the floor.

"Reiner." I said standing up, walking towards him.

"How the fuck are you so stupid!" I yelled as I punched him in the face. Why! Why do I care?! Why do I care about Marco! He's a devil... I rubbed my face with my hand, somehow getting some of Reiner's blood on my face. I then looked at my hand, blood starting to seep down it. Why... why is this happening? Why couldn't we all just... live normal lives? Not as Eldians or Marlyiens... but as people? Why?

"What... what were his last words?" I asked as Reiner looked down.

"It was... 'We haven't even had the chance to talk this through yet.'" Reiner muttered as I just sighed. There's no room for talking anymore. Never was, anyway.

"Get up. We're going. Annie will ambush and capture Eren at the expedition. Now get out of my sight scumbag." I said, as I put up my cold facade again. Is it a facade? Or is it real? I don't even know.


That night, was the burning of the dead. After we finished cleaning, we brought the bodies to a courtyard, where bonfires were lit and the bodies were burned. Many were crying, or showing regret in many things. But, everyone was mourning.

"How do we... We've already lost so many." Armin said as we stared into the fire.

"Yes. There's always a cost to war. And... it will always be great. But... we have to keep moving forward." I said as a shadow overcast our faces. The cost of war is great. That's because of this... cruel world. There will always be war and loss because of it. This world is just... that cruel.

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