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Y/N Pov

How the fuck did I get here. I was standing with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin as Garisson soldiers surrounded us, pointing rifles and swords at us. I was with them when Eren came out of the titan and I tried to figure out if Eren knew anything about the power. Nothing. He didn't even wake up until now, and all he's been spouting is nonsense. But I was dragged here. If I could just transform and kill them all and take Eren, I would but I need the others with me. It's to risky.

"I'll kill them all..." I heard Eren mutter behind me. I looked forward to see Mikasa standing in front of us with her blades drawn.

"Eren?" Armin said as Eren finally came back into full consciousness as he gasped at the situation we were in.

"Eren, can you move? Can you understand what I'm saying? I'm sure they'll understand!" Armin spoke to a very confused Eren.

"Hear that? He said 'I'll kill them all'."

"Yeah. I heard him. He's going to devour us."

"Cadet Yeager! As well as cadets Ackerman, L/N and Arlert! What you're doing right now is an act of treason! We may decide to kill you on the spot!" The garrison captain yelled at us, but there was obvious fear in his eyes.

"If you attempt to lie to us, or make a single move, we will fire our cannons at you immediately! We will not hesitate!" He yelled as the cannons shined from on top of the wall, entire squads manning each one.

"Answer me at once! What are you?! Are you a man?! Or a titan?!" The captain yelled as there was a tense silence until Eren spoke up.

"I d- don't understand that question!" Eren replied as the captain said something quietly before returning to yelling.

"Monster! Try that again, and I'll blow you to pieces! It just takes an instant! You won't have time to reveal your true form!"

"True form?" Eren asked confused as the captain continued.

"Plenty of people saw you, as you emerged from within a titan! Humanity has permitted an unkown creature like you to infiltrate wall Rose! Even if you are cadets given to us by the king, the safest course is to eliminate the risk immediately! My thinking is correct! The armored titan that destroyed wall Maria could appear at any minute! Right now, humanity is at the brink of extinction! Do you understand?!" The captain yelled. Oh yeah. What the fuck is Reiner doing right now? I'm stuck here, Annie can't break the fucking gate easily, and Bertholdt can't transform again yet. What is Reiner doing?

"We can't waste more time on troops like you! I will fire a cannonball at you without hesitation!" The commander yelled as he pointed at us. One of his officers talked to him as garrison members started to yell.

"Captain! Ths is our chance!"

"If we dismember him while he pretends to be human...!" Some garrison members chattered but were cut off by Mikasa.

"My specialty is tearing through flesh. If necessary, I am will to demonstrate at any time. I invite them to be the first to approach." Mikasa said as she held her blades up. Another one of his officers went up to him and spoke.

"Mikasa, what the fuck are you going to do? You have swords and they have guns and a fucking cannon. What are you gonna do? Deflect it?" I said as Armin stood up.

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