57th Expedition (Part 1)

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Y/N Pov

The scouts rode forward fast through an abandoned town. Heading for wall Maria, and Shiganshina. Annie should arrive soon enough. I told her that Eren would be near right wing. That's the information I got, and Reiner and Bertholdt didn't tell her anything. My titan and Reiner's aren't fast enough to chase, and Bertholdt is... obviously too big. We don't want to kill Eren. If only Marcel was here. It would be so much fucking easier. I miss him. It's been years. Porco doesn't even know... Fuck... We continued riding through the streets, the support squad already fighting titans.

"Don't falter! Leave it to the support squad! Keep going!" Our squad leader yelled as most of us, the newer scouts, looked in fear. Remembering what happened at Trost. 

"Forward! Forward!" Our squad leader continued yelling as we rode forward, following the center rank before we split into the long range scouting formation. We eventually rode fully through the old town into full titan territory as we split into the long range scouting formation immediately.

"Assume long range scouting formation!" Erwin ordered from the front as all the scouts split off. 

"See you later, Armin, Y/N." Reiner said as he split off into his group. Me, Armin, Reiner and Jean were positioned in right wing. The area to increase the signalling, recon, and spotting length and area to the outsides of the formation. The others were in the left wing or back. 

"Don't wet your pants if you run into a titan." Jean said as he also went to his spot.

"Right! Likewise to you!" Armin said back as we all assumed our spots. We continued riding, as a red flare was shot off from the front, meaning titan contact. We all started shooting off our red flares, signalling the titan contact to the center rank. Commander Erwin then shot off a green flare to the side, meaning we would all move around the titan and reroute. Not wanting any casualties. This was a very smart strategy. More red flares were shot off as we rerouted, meaning we rode into titans. But we had to continue moving, no matter what. We just continued moving, until a black flare was shot off at the left wing, towards the center rank, showing that it was heading for the center rank, or the largest group of people. An abnormal. We started sending off black flares as well. The abnormal ran past me as it sprinted forward, more scouts chasing after it, drawing their blades ready to kill it as they moved in, killing it easily. We just kept moving, until a titan could be seen in the distance, closing in, sprinting from the right wing area. Annie.

Armin immediately shot off a black flare as Annie ran past whoever was in her way, moving for the position in the right wing I told her. Section commander Ness and the other guy immediately rushed in, but were easily slaughtered by Annie. Them not expecting it, making it easy. She immediately started sprinting forwards again, seemingly chasing me and Armin. Annie ran right over Armin, knocking him off his horse and sending him flying as Annie bent down, checking on him. She slowly lifted his hood, checking who it was before she continued running, sparing Armin. Goddammit Annie! Not you too! You can't be going soft now! What if Armin figures out who you are?! Don't fucking spare people! Do I have to do everything myself? Annie continued running forward, seemingly following me now as she slightly slowed down, expecting me to lead her to Eren. I looked back quickly, seeing Reiner in the distance, tending to Armin as I continued forward, Annie following me. Armin and Reiner quickly started following after Annie. A yellow flare was shot off behind us and in the right wing. Annie must have done something to slaughter them all. I slipped my hood on to make sure no one saw me. I hope. But I still made it seem like I was running for my life. 

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