Humanity Rises Again

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Y/N Pov 

We ran along the top of the wall with the elite Garrison members. The soldier named Ian was at the front, and he was our squad leader. The other members were Mitabi and Rico, along with me and Mikasa.

"Let's get this straight right now. Whatever you are, all I care about is you getting that rock in place. Can we count on you?" Ian asked as we all ran behind him.

"Yes sir. I won't let you down." Eren responded, determination brimming in his voice and ringing through his body. 

"Eren, are you sur-"

"Stop asking Mikasa. You have to believe in me once in a while. And stop treating me like a baby!" Eren berated Mikasa as we continued running.

"Hey. Look, now is not the time to be playing house." Rico tan between the two of them, breaking their quarreling.

"It isn't like that." Mikasa responded immediately, in denial.

"Are you sure about that? You're in denia-" I was speaking as I was interupted by Mitabi.

"Look, I'm gonna say what we're all thinking here. The fact that the fate of all mankind depends on a little brat like you really doesn't make me hopeful." Mitabi interrupted me, addressing Eren.

"All of you stop it right now. We are about to be in range of the giant boulder. I'm not seeing any titans near by. The decoy strategy must be doing the trick." Ian said as we ran closer to the boulder area.

"Something I want you to be aware of Yeager, make no mistake, more than a few of our comrades are going to die today trying to pull this off. Their blood is on your hands." Rico said, as Eren nodded, understanding her point. All the blood... is on your hands...

"I'm talking friends, captains, lieutenants, pions... Yes, they are soldiers, they all prepare to die. But remember, everyone of them is a person made of flesh and blood. Everyone of them has hopes, dreams, fears... Everyone of them has a name. They're not pawns, they're people. Some have been living together like family since their cadet years. This may well be the end of them. Whole families snuffed out in a moment. Whatever you think your mission is Yeager, your first and foremost concern today is making sure their deaths mean something. Whatever happens, you keep that lodged in your mind. Take everything that comes with deadly seriousness."

"Right..." Eren said, looking down. All the weight bearing down on his shoulders. We got closer and closer to the boulder until we were in range to jump down. We started to swing closer, Rico shot up a green flare, to show the start of the operation. Eren started to get closer, leaving us as he flew upward, biting his hand as a bolt of lightning struck him from the sky. 

Eren's titan emerged from the steam as it let our an ear piercing roar, as the rest of the elite squad landed on roofs around him, watching as his muscles rippled with the strength of hundreds of soldiers. The weight of the world on his shoulders. Eren then suddenly turned towards Mikasa as he started to slowly walk towards her, staring her down.

"Eren, what are you doing?" Mikasa asked cautiously as it slowly approached her. Once he got closer, he sent a fist straight at her, forcing her to dodge away as his fist destroyed the roof. She landed on my roof as Eren looked towards us.

"Why'd you bring his attention to me dumbaaaaaaassssssss!!" I yelled as Mikasa jumped away, Eren swung as I didn't have lightning fast reaction speed, getting launched as shards of the roof slashed at me. Some of those would leave a scar if I couldn't heal. And I have to stop my healing. Fucking hell.

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