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The weekend had approached quicker than usual, perhaps as a result of recent events. Wednesday was already awake by five am Saturday morning, her sleep schedule sharp and barely tampered with. Recently, however, her dreams have been anything but usual. There was no way to explain it, but she had been seeing warped versions of her interactions with those closest to her. Fascinating to see, but she began to dwell on the reasoning behind it.

Wednesday’s eyes instinctively were drawn to the colorful side of the room, the lack of someone laying there, fast asleep, was still unnatural to her. She only wished those around her were more cautious. Wednesday was fully aware of how she was. She knew all she did was hurt those around her, but she just couldn’t stop doing it. Once her mind was set on something, it was very, very difficult to lean her away from it.

Suddenly, she heard a slight buzz coming from one of her trunks, silently hoping it wasn’t what she thought it was.

Slowly making her way from her bed, towards the trunk in question, she unhatched the latches, and pulled it open. There revealed her crystal ball; the one she used to directly communicate with her parents. She had hoped she wouldn’t have to use it.

“Wednesday! My viper, how are you this morning?” Morticia’s voice called throughout the room, Wednesday having to take a moment to recollect her own thoughts. Before she could reply, Gomez had quickly come by, right next to Morticia, waving to Wednesday. “How we’ve missed you!” He quickly added, that same smile on his face he always had. Their positivity so early in the morning was tiring.

“I’m fine,” Wednesday replied calmly, knowing if she gave any sort of response they could latch on to, they would take the opportunity and run with it. “How has the Hyde boy been, Wednesday?” Gomez asked. Wednesday didn’t want to talk about Tyler with her parents. She knew exactly the kind of reaction she’d receive. This was the one thing she didn’t want them to ruin for her. Morticia suddenly gasped, realizing she had been in fact, hanging out with a boy. “Oh, my little deathtrap, you've grown up!” She almost seemed to be tearing up. “I met your dad when I was your age, and I’ve been happy with him ever since…” She trailed off, taking a look at Gomez as he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, the action causing Wednesday to turn her head away. It wasn’t like she hadn’t heard the “We met at Nevermore!” story a million times before.

“I’m going to be sick.”

“Oh, come on now, tell us a little more about him!”

Wednesday was quick to pass on the opportunity. “Later,” she said, with the full intention of not explaining it later. She made sure to end the conversation with a curt nod, and then got dressed for the day in her classic black dress with the white collar. While it was early in the morning, she had gone to bed early the night previous, meaning she wasn’t tired much at all. Since it was a weekend, that guaranteed everyone was either asleep or trying to fall back asleep. It left her the solidarity she craved.

Only for some inexplicable reason, Wednesday found herself treading down the hallway, her hand suddenly on the door of another dorm room. She debated going in or not, whether the person inside would even be asleep. She decided to just go with it, but when she attempted to open the door, it was locked. She should have expected that.

Wednesday brought her hand up to the door, knocking three separate times at three-second intervals. It took a while for the door to finally crack open, a mess of curly brown hair the first thing she caught sight of. Tyler rubbed at his eyes, hazily looking at the girl in front of him. “Can I come in?” Tyler looked a little confused, yet nodded, moving out of the way so she could come in. “Did you need something, Wednesday?” His voice groggy as hell sounded an octave lower than usual, and she had to say she didn’t mind it all that much.

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