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“Is this a new hobby? Walking through the woods?” Tyler had his hands shoved into his pockets, trailing after Wednesday as she made turn after turn down this old, worn-down path. “You could call it that.” She replied blankly, her eyes skimming tree after tree, watching as the once-green leaves melted into sheets of orange and red on the ground.

Despite the killings ending, there was a chance she would get some surprise out of this. A gift, as she called it. After that huge discovery of the homework matching up, it made so much sense that the killer would continue to mess with her. So far, no luck.

A chime went off on Tyler’s phone, which he swore he had turned off. Wednesday shot him a glance, staring down at his pockets. “Did someone text you?” Tyler hadn’t wanted to check. The only people he texted regularly would be Wednesday and his dad, but his dad didn’t text unless it was important, or to arrange plans to meet up. He lifted the device from his pocket, but the notification at the top of his screen hadn’t been a text, it was a news article.

‘A body at Weathervane Cafe, Jericho, was found…’ He stopped reading after a certain point, Wednesday’s curious eyes reading along from beside him. A smile appeared on her face. “Finally.” It almost sounded like she was relieved, and in a way, she was.

Tyler and Wednesday had returned to Nevermore shortly after, the two discussing possible links to the case. Tyler had suggested the two head back to his dorm room, but Wednesday first had to get some other things sorted. Especially when she had gotten a message from Eugene just a little while afterward asking for her to come and meet him to chat.

Wednesday headed off to meet Eugene quite quickly at the beekeeping shed, where he was standing there in the doorway with an unreadable look on his face. He seemed relieved once looking around and realizing she had come alone, urging for her to come inside as he quickly shut the door.

“Wednesday, can I ask you something?”

She hated hearing that sentence. The follow-up was either something way too personal or something she didn’t care to talk about. However, she just nodded, curious to hear what he was wondering about. “Did you hear about the…new victim?” She didn’t see where he was going with this, “Yes. Weathervane employee, right?” Eugene let out a relieved sigh, thankful that she had already heard about it, and that he wasn’t the one to break the news to her.

“Well, about that…” He seemed to hesitate, having trouble putting his thoughts into understandable sentences. “Spit it out.” Wednesday did care for Eugene, but watching a person debate ideas of how to word something in their head for minutes at a time, was not something she was interested in doing. Eugene shot a look to his desk, then back to Wednesday. “IthinkTyleristhekiller.” He spoke so quickly, all of his words seemed to combine into one. She only managed to catch a thing or two, “What?”

Eugene took in a large, audible, deep breath. “I think Tyler is the killer.” The thought made her little black heart sink just a bit. “What makes you say that?” Eugene pulled out his phone, his eyes skimming over new articles before he found the one he needed to show her. While it didn’t contain any images to back up the claim, a highlighted paragraph stated, ‘Latest victim, Weathervane Cafe employee, Rebecca Chavez, was found murdered in a gruesome, ferocious way, this Monday evening. Witnesses claim the attack seemed animalistic, police are still investigating into the case.’

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