Chapter 19: Intense Interrogations, A New Dawn and a Starling Discovery.

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Detective Connie Black was wrapping up an intense day of interrogations after having suspicions over a few of the circus performers. Her conversations have only increased those suspicions, and heightened her awareness for the illusions that are being concealed under the big top.

Connie attempted to intercept Marco the Magnificent, she was still convinced the escapologist had ties to Mr Ortiz she couldn't pinpoint. She was armed with questions that needed to be unloaded but Marco the Magnificent was no where to be seen. The wait for Detective Black's interrogation of Marco would have to go on and was postponed until tomorrow morning at the earliest, the identity of the mystery woman would also remain under wraps too, for now.

The first two full days on the case had taken several unexpected twists and turns, her curiosity was growing with each new revelation.

Connie who was now waking up in her tiny bungalow was fully rested after a good nights sleep. She considered and analysed the information she had gathered yesterday while seeking the answers from the performers. Madame Hattie's explanation and her special connection with Miss Felicity Fontaine, seemed to satisfy her but she couldn't help but wonder about Luna's role in the circus that led up to the events on that fatal evening for Mr Ralph Ortiz.

Connie's thoughts had circled back to Miss Luna Alvarez once more, the juggling contortionist, who supposedly fell ill and hadn't performed in the second half of the show. Madame Hattie clearly explained that Miss Felicity Fontaine was meant to replace her, but Connie had started to entertain a different theory.

"What if Luna didn't want to leave the circus?" Connie had thought. "What if she was being forced to leave by Mr Ortiz, who perhaps reached his limits with her excuses of missing performances and wanted her replaced by Miss Felicity Fontaine?" As considered before could Luna have staged her illness on the night of the murder and used this opportunity to get revenge with the aid of Victor Miguel on Mr Ortiz. Miss Alvarez clearly loves performing each night and by the admission of many close to her at the circus takes her act very seriously.

This notion began to take shape in Connie's mind and was her sole focus as she felt she was on the right track to proving this allegation. She knew she had to dig deeper into her relationship with Mr Ortiz.

Was the motive proposed for Miss Alvarez to harm Ralph Ortiz strong enough to prove beyond all reasonable doubt. Or was she a victim, just like he ended up becoming, in a web of circumstances beyond her control as she was being released from the circus unfairly.

Detective Connie Black couldn't shake the feeling that there would be many more layers of deception and intrigue to uncover as she unearths more about the former ringmasters connections to his performers.

As Connie walked through the circus tent she was heading to see Marco the Magnificent when she could see Luna Alvarez sitting on the door step of her trailer. With a determined expression on her face she headed over to speak with the Latin American Contortionist. Luna could only sit nervously as she could see Detective Black heading in her direction.

"Luna," Connie began, "I need to understand what really happened? You admitted last night that it was Mr Ortiz's decision to let you go and leave the circus, but I am wondering if this is the whole story? Were you really ill on that fatal night and unable to perform with Victor?" Connie interrogated Miss Alvarez

Before Luna could respond Victor Miguel burst onto the scene, his face flushed with anger and determination. "Detective Black, you're pressurising and interrogating Luna as if she's a criminal! She was genuinely ill that night, and I won't stand aside and witness any unjust treatment of any of my fellow performers, but especially Luna."

Connie was momentarily taken aback by Victor's interruption but decided to let him continue. "Victor, I'm investigating a murder and I'm just trying to get the truth. Luna's absence, with no one able to vouch for her when she returned to her trailer. The tension with Mr Ortiz replacing Luna, these are questions that I need to understand."

Mr Miguel spoke forcefully on Luna's behalf. "Luna is a dedicated performer who adores the circus, she was devastated by the idea of leaving, but her heath comes first. She didn't want to disappoint anyone especially the audience but she was genuinely unwell and couldn't continue the other night."

As Victor continued to defend Miss Alvarez, Detective Black spotted Luna and Victor looking like they were trying to gesture something to each other. Detective Black was about to pull them up on this but her attention was quickly drawn elsewhere as she had spotted Marco the Magnificent walking across the trailers courtyard through the window in Luna's living space.

Detective Black knew she needed to take this opportunity as the rare sighting of the escapologist couldn't be taken lightly, she knew Marco was a critical piece in her puzzle to solve the murder under the big top, that now needed to be dissected.

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