Chapter 37: Sheltered Secrets

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Under the shroud of the night, Sofia, the acrobat twin, hurried towards the ticket booth, her footsteps muffled by the hushed whispers of the midnight breeze. She found Victor leaning against the back of the ticket office, gazing out on the distant horizon over the forest, lost in thought.

"Victor," Sofia's voice broke the silence, causing him to startle slightly. "We need to talk."

He turned to face her, his expression guarded yet curious. "Sofia, what brings you out here at the dead of night?"

"The conversation you had with Felix," Sofia began, her voice tinged with urgency. "I know you told him to disappear, to protect him from Ralph's wrath after he somehow found out about his relationship with Luna."

Victor's eyes widened in realisation, accepting that nothing is secret between the twins. "What matters the most is that Felix needs an alibi," Sofia replied swiftly. "now the murder weapon was found in the truck where we were hiding. Your information is crucial, it could clear his name." Sofia finished with an assertive tone.

A shadow crossed Victor's face, a mix of regret and concern etched his features. "Ralph wasn't pleased when he discovered Felix and Luna's relationship. He was furious, to say the least. We tried to calm him down but I new Felix needed to disappear for his own safety that night. "

"But Victor, that's the key to his innocence," Sofia insisted, her voice pleading. "You need to come forward with this. It's the only way to help my brother."

Victor hesitated, his internal conflict evident. "Sofia, revealing this will implicate me further. I can't go into all the details but it will provide Detective Black a motive and reason for me to harm Mr Ortiz. It might not be the best move, as it still leaves plenty of time for one of us to have committed the crime. So it could implicate you as well, she will want to know your whereabouts."

"Sacrifices will need to be made for the truth to prevail," Sofia countered, "Felix's innocence is at stake. Please, Victor. Do the right thing."

The clandestine conversation lingered in the still night air, the weight of their words hanging between them. Victor's brow furrowed with worry, his internal turmoil escalating.

"Sofia you don't understand," he began his voice tinged with apprehension. "If I come forward, it's not only me and you it implicates but also Luna. Think about it, Detective Black will use this information to suggest we had cause and the time to extract revenge on Mr Ortiz. I can't risk putting her under suspicion and stress, especially in her condition, not now."

Sofia's eyes widened in surprise at Victor's mention of Luna Alvarez, confusion etched across her face.  "What do you mean, Victor? How is Luna involved? What condition?"

Realisation dawned on Victor, a pang of regret coursing through him. He had said too much, divulging a secret no one else knew. His eyes widened in alarm as he comprehended the gravity of his slip-up. "I..... I shouldn't have said that."

"Luna..... she's pregnant," Victor admitted, realising it was too late, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sofia expression shifted from concern to shock. "Pregnant? How did nobody know....?"

Victor Miguel's heart sank at his inadvertent revelation. "Exactly. This is why I can't risk exposing her. She's already under a lot of stress, and Detective Black's suspicions could only make things worse for her"

Sofia's mind raced, the delicate situation Luna was in made sense now, the need to protect her from further distress paramount in their minds.

"Victor, we have to find a way to clear Felix without implicating Luna," Sofia said, determination seeping in. "There must be a way."

As Sofia and Victor were processing their next steps and revelation of Luna's pregnancy, a shocked expression crossed her face, connecting the dots in her mind blinking as she looked over to Victor. "Wait, then Felix is the father?"

"I don't know for sure," he admitted sensing the weight of Sofia's assumptions. "But it's most likely."

Their conversation was halted abruptly as Sofia heard a noise coming from within the ticket booth, she assumed. Keen to identify who or what it was Victor tried open the door. It was locked, wary incase someone had inadvertently been eavesdropping, they exchanged a furtive glance, their expressions revealing that they needed to be more discreet.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll speak with Luna," Victor assured Sofia. "I'll figure out what to do. Maybe we can get Luna to say she saw me warn Felix to disappear"

Returning to her trailer, Sofia was left with a cascade of unanswered questions, the recent secrets she stumbled on weighing heavily on her mind as she sought justice for Felix. The nights revelations had illuminated a path fraught with uncertainty.

As dawn brushed the edges of the horizon, a tentative hush settled over the campgrounds of the Carnival of Curiosity. The night had been an usual one, marked not by the harmonious lullabies of slumber, but by a conclave that lingered in the memories of the performers like a haunting melody.

The air crackled with a palpable tension, woven into the fabric of the circus tents where the performers stirred from their restless sleep. The morning sun, a hesitant visitor, painted streaks of golden light across the makeshift homes of the circus ensemble.

The aftermath, leaving a bittersweet residue of confessions and accusations that had unraveled beneath the moonlit sky. Each performer carried the weight of newfound knowledge, a burden that mingled with the acrobats' fluid grace and the clowns' painted smiles.

As some of them emerged from their humble abodes, a sense of disquiet lingered among them, mingling with the morning mist that hung over them. Even the majestic elephants trumpeted with an air of solemnity, as if bearing witness to the unseen drama that had unfolded under the big top.

The morning dawned at a crossroads—a juncture where the performers wrestled with the aftermath of their unveiled suspicions. The day fraught with the weight of the revelations that passed around last night with the bearer of the ringmasters hat. Turning their once-familiar camaraderie into a tangled web of uncertainty and distrust.

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