Adventures in the Elements

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we open on the owl house and in it Luz is reading a brochure on Hexside, she finds it an interesting read.

Luz: hey King listen to this!

King: less ready more scratchy.

Luz: sorry, now that I'm going to be a student at Hexside i want to know all about it, i have a new crush and her name is education.

King then bites and rips the brochure like an ornery puppy.

y/n was in the room drinking appleblood while sitting at a table reading a book.

Luz: what ya reading there?

y/n: the Silmarillion by Tolkien, very good read.

just then Eda kicked the door open with excitement on her face.

Eda: do you know what day it is.

Luz: is it your birthday?

King: is it my birthday?

Hooty: it's my birthday

Eda: No!

Eda closes the door behind her.

Eda: it's human treasure day!

Eda takes out her portal which opens and from it is Owlbert carrying a massive bag which rips when Owlbert lets go, Eda then jumps on top of it.

Eda: ah fresh garbage.

King runs up to the pile and finds a teddy bear.

King: another worthy edition in my army of terror, truly horrifying.

Eda: hey kid your pile's getting cold, while mines getting hot i have never seen such a magnificent earring.

y/n: uh hun that's a coat hanger not an earring.

Eda: huh?

y/n: yea you hang clothes on them in a closet, you don't hang them on your ear.

Eda: well that's a bummer, eh i can always sell it as a earring at the stand.

Luz just keeps reading the brochure.

Luz: you can have my trash, whoa! did you know Hexside was founded on the bones of it's rival school one it literally conquered.

Eda: yea i know all of theses things i went there and it was the most harrowing experience of my life, though there was one great moment that happened during my time at Hexside.

Luz: what was it?

Eda: i would tell you but that's a story for another time.

Luz: can you imagine it me studying in the halls of Hexside studying with Willow and Gus and maybe even Amity.

Luz: oh man i forgot were supposed to meet so i can get my Azura book back.

Luz closes the door on her way out but opens it again.

Luz: i love you guys.

Hooty was about to say that too but closed the door before he could.

Eda: eh who needs her.

King: this bear can be our new Luz.

the bear accidently make a pun and King throws it on the ground.

when we cut to Luz she is running through the market Looking for Amity until she finds Amity just standing around.

she tries to get her attention but is met with Edric and Emira which causes her to fall over.

Amity: Edric, Emira stop bothering her, sorry Luz they insisted on coming for some reason.

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