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A/N: this chapter will be for y/n specifically as it will feature a hint to his backstory although it might be shorter than standard chapters. 

we open on The Owl House where y/n is sleeping in bed oddly without his wife beside him he then starts to wake up.

he feels around the bed for Eda to no avail until he fully wakes up.

y/n: woo man i slept in.

he then gets dressed and does what most do when they wake up for the day, brush teeth that sort of thing.

after brushing his teeth he gets down into the kitchen were it is abnormally quiet.

y/n: how long did i sleep? nobody seems to be in the house.

Hooty: good morning y/n!

with the exception of course being Hooty.

y/n: ah! Hooty don't sneak up on me like that.

Hooty: sorry, just wanted to let you know i made you some coffee just the way you like it oh and Eda left a message for you on the fridge.

with that Hooty went back to his spot in the front door.

y/n got the coffee Hooty made and it was a vanilla iced coffee just how he liked it.

y/n: how that bird-worm manages to make coffee without hands is beyond me, in fact i would rather not know.

y/n then picks up the note Eda left for him on the fridge.

y/n: "taking Luz to Hexside, the fridge is nearly empty so you'll have to get groceries while i'm away and while your out can you get some ingredient's from the forest i need them for some potions".

y/n: well guess that's what i'm doing for today.

y/n looked at the back of the note and saw there was a list of groceries and ingredients with the ingredients having an illustration by there names.

with that y/n drank his coffee and walked to Bonesborough.

y/n: please don't do anything reckless like challenge Lilith to a grudgby match you shouldn't be doing something like that when your still pregnant.

we cut to Bonesborough where y/n had entered  the local food shop and proceeded to look around for the groceries listed on the note.

said groceries listed on the note were.

20 jugs of appleblood cause Eda.

unsorted veggies and fruits like carrots, onions, apples, oranges, leaks, etc.

a few jars of jam.

Taurus meat, which is essentially beef from a winged, fire breathing bull monster with lions teeth and for which the term roid rage is a trait of the species in both physical appearance and temperament, Taurus meat is also of the same quality as Kobe beef while tasting just as good and has a third of the calories.

ice cream of all flavors.

pasta sauce.

noodles of every type.

cheese sauce of every type.




whipped cream.



cockatrice legs.

BBQ sauce.

and finally bread both sliced and buns.

as y/n looked around it was actually pretty normal for the boiling isles though normal could mean anything in the boiling isles.

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