Young Blood, Old souls

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we open in The Owl House to King reading aloud a book called "the unauthorized boiling isles history" written by an unknown author because the name has faded or was erased.

King: The Boiling isles created by the flesh and bones from a fallen titan, this original magic was so potent that life evolved to wield magic too, for years we explored these powers freely until a mysterious witch appeared that declared that he and he alone could speak to the island he said that we were using magic all wrong, his teachings took hold his strength grew and he became emperor Belos, Belos said that mixing magic was wrong that only he had that right so he created the coven system, there our knowledge was restricted and our potential sealed away.

King: those who resist are called wild witches and they face harsh punishment, emperor Belos has since retreated to his castle, there are whispers saying he is planning something big.

King: i wonder if capturing Eda and Jack was part of his big plan, what do you think Luz?

Luz was downtrodden just looking at the capes Eda made for her and Jack.

Luz: i don't care what Belos is up too because today we are saving them.

Luz walked to the houses weapon stash and opened and started looking around for a weapon.

King: Luz what are you doing?

Luz: this is serious King Eda used her powers to save me and got caught by Lilith, now she's the Owlbeast and is being taken before the emperor, i don't know what he planning to do to her.

King: haven't you been listening to me he's the emperor, he's the most powerful witch alive.

Luz: King please try to understand, Eda and Jack were captured because of me because of my stupid choice.

King: but Eda is in her Owlbeast form how will she recognize you?

Luz: i don't know but i have to try anyway.

King: well then i'm going too.

Luz: King.

King: me and Eda don't always see eye to eye and Jack and i are practically brother's, i want them back as much as you y/n do.

Luz: alright we got no time to lose, lets get y/n.

they go to y/n's workshop where he was getting ready.

we see in his workshop getting ebony and ivory, his sawed-off shotgun, a Barret, and a few self designed hand made sticky grenades.

y/n then hears knocking on the door.

Luz: y/n were ready.

y/n comes out of his workshop.

y/n: good first we head into town and find a crystal ball.

Luz: why?

y/n: so we can know what Belos will be trying to do with her, if they plan to execute her then we need to act fast or if she stays chained up that means Belos wants something we have like the portal door.

with Eda.

we are in the emperor's throne room where Eda who is still feral at this moment is running around generally just causing a mess like a giant cat, and Lilith is trying to get Eda to stop making a mess of the throne room.

Lilith then traps Eda in a sphere so she doesn't keep making a mess.

Lilith: don't look at me like that this is for your own good.

Jack: i'm sure the custodial staff will thank you for that, those poor bastards deserve a raise or a break.

and Jack was also there tied up in a frankly ludicrous amount of magical bindings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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