The First Day

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A/N: this is a Jack and Luz chapter

we open upon a orb of light revealing Luz's face, she appeared to be in the backstage in Hexside's theatre room.

Luz: I'm not ready for this Eda, maybe we should go back.

Eda: nah kid you got this just do as we practiced.

Luz: what if i mess something up, what if i do something wrong, what if i die.

Eda: calm down i had to do the same thing when i was a witchling, and Jack would have to do the same thing if he ever wanted to attend, it's like a rite of passage, granted i was a little more skilled.

Luz: Eda.

Eda: right, sorry. now get pumped, get ready and get going.

Eda then gently shoves Luz toward the open part of the curtain.

with a robe covering her Luz comes out from behind the curtain ready to put on a little performance to effectively sell herself to Principle Bump so she can get into Hexside, much like how your trying to sell yourself when your filling out a college or job application.

Luz: from the humblest of beginnings a hero will rise, i have from another realm and trained with a powerful witch to master dark and forbidden magic, i am Luz Noceda.

despite the introduction with confetti Bump was either not impressed or was indifferent to the whole matter.

Bump: right the human that wants to be a witch, against my better judgment i allowed you to take this exam into Hexside but can you do magic with all your human parts?

Luz: i sure can, it is said that humans can't do magic but i discovered a lost technique that changes everything.

Luz set two glyphs on the stage which captured Bump's interest and when Luz pressed the glyphs and light and ice were made it certainly surprised him.

Bump: spells cast with paper? i never heard of such a thing, but is it enough to pass the exam?

Luz was at a loss on what to do when Eda poked her head out and told Luz to improvise.

Luz decided to flip her eyelids which didn't help, what also didn't help was slipping on melting ice, getting wrapped up in her cloak and sliding off the stage and into Bump and after backing up pressing a glyph on accident that caught her by the legs putting her face to face with the principle.

Luz: i failed didn't i?

Bump: believe it or not I've seen worse.

Luz then fell on her face.

Bump: welcome to Hexside school of magic and demonics.


Eda was flying Luz to Hexside for her first day and Luz was visibly very nervous, likely about her first impression.

Luz: we've got to go back, this is a mistake i'm gonna mess things up again and everyone will see and-.

Eda: alright you've got to calm down, what are you nervous about you've been to school before.

Luz: that's why i'm nervous at my human school i didn't make a good first impression, this is a chance to be seen as anything other than a screw up.

Eda: hey don't worry about what those dorks think you want my advice, walk into class and punch the first kid you see to establish dominance.

Luz: i wont be doing that but thanks.

they land and Luz gets her backpack ready.

Eda: last chance to back out and earn a new bad girl coven patch.

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