Understanding Willow

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we open on Hexside where Boscha is picking... fingernails? for the day and lands on talons when Skara comes up and gives Boscha and Amity and Dan invitations to her 15th birthday party which are literally made of actual butterflies.

Amity: are these actual insect wings?

Dan: if it is that's a bit much don't you think.

Skara: you only turn 15 once.

Boscha: you only turn every age once Skara.

Luz: crapbaskets!!!

they look over to Luz, Jack and Willow and see them playing poker with some chips Jack snuck in.

Luz is frustrated while Willow is giggling her ass off.

Luz: stop with the giggling he's murdering me here.

Jack has the most chips and is grinning like the Cheshire cat, while Luz is scowling because she is losing and put up 30 snails for the game and Willow is just having fun.

Boscha: it's so weird that a human comes here now, too bad she burned her social life at the stake any friend of Willow's is an automatic dork, that and who in their right mind would associate themselves with a person who smuggled drugs and weapons into the school.

Boscha's invitation was molting and in disgust threw it away and told Skara to get another one while the kids where fighting over the invitation with the teachers watching and cheering.

Luz, Jack and Willow were at Luz's locker discussing the next class.

Luz: i'm so excited for photo class i cant believe you can make pictures of your actual memories, im gonna see me some baby Willow.

Willow: i'll admit i was adorable.

Luz's locker bites down on her book and wont let go, Luz tries to get it out but loses grip on it and falls down and the locker hisses at her and Luz hisses back.

Boscha: i can't believe she would hang out with her it's just embarrassing, "look at me i'm going on a date with my ferns".

Luz: that could be anyone.

Skara: nice Willow impression Boscha, Amity, Dan weren't you friends with Willow?

Amity stops for a bit.

Amity: i'm a Blight we only associate with a select few, keep annoying me though i'll be happy to select fewer.

Dan: let's be frank with eachother Skara, Boscha i don't like you and i'm sure you don't like me, be honest you only gave me an invitation because you knew if you didn't Amity wouldn't even come to the party to say congrats, and with that said yes we are friends and if you both have a problem with that then too bad, besides my mother is the head of the emperors coven why should i care what you think.

they then walk off with Willow feeling a little bit better because of what Dan said.

our main group was now in the photo class where memories are turned into photo's by picking them out with tweezers that look like you should never put them near your body let alone memories.

Luz: alright memory melon lets pick another juicy one.

Willow: be careful with my brain.

Luz pulls out another memory and hangs it up.

Jack: honestly don't know what the appeal is, why would you want your memory lain out like it's laundry for everyone to see, and another thing why have your memories in a state that can be damaged so easily one wrong move with a match and your entire life is erased.

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