heartslabul- chapter 1: the three steps.

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. . . Are you watching closely?

Aces POV

Every magic trick consists of three parts the first is called a pledge the magician will show you something ordinary a deck of cards, a bird, or a human. They'll ask you to examine it, to see if it's normal, unaltered.

But of course you've seen this type of shit before.

They'res nothing fucking normal about it.




ace- why do WE have to help set up!?

Trey- riddles orders, ace. Also you two over there! You should be helping!

Deuce- sorry clover senpai! Diamond senpai wanted to show me something!

Cater- it's cute right deuce?

Deuce- yeah it really is!

Trey- alright you two! Enough talking more working. The unbirthday party is only a week away!

Cater- ugh! Whatever dad!

Deuce- coming!

Just then wimothy arrived, finally.

Cater- oh look who it is!

Trey- heya wimothy, we were just preparing stuff for you to get started.

Ace- yep! Setting up this giant canvas was a bore though.

Deuce- you did the concept sketches right? Can we see?

Wimothy- . . . It's best I don't show you.

Cater- huh? Why is that?

Wimothy- it's uh. . . Its a surprise! Yeah! I want it to be a surprise.

Deuce- oh uh okay, well I guess a surprise is better than showing us right now.

Trey- yeah, it's better to see the finished product.

Wimothy- uh yeah! That's what I was aiming for.

Ace- so are we gonna get started or what?

Wimothy- okay! Ace I'm coming!

Trey- I'll go help riddle with other things in the meantime. Have fun!

As trey heads inside wimothy takes out he notebook and gets to work.

Deuce- dude, we should be painting the roses right now. What are you doing?

Ace- huh!? Oh uh coming! Sorry I was watching wimothy.

Cater- well we need to go work on other things now.

Deuce- wimothy! We're gonna go paint the roses now! Are you gonna be alright here alone?

Wimothy- uhh yeah don't worry!

Deuce- okay! Alright let's get to work.

Cater- let's go!

As cater and deuce happily run off, i stay behind looking at wimothy, as i watched her from behind the rose bushes, i can see her hands visibly shaking as she ran her pen across the blank canvas, has she always been like that? Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

As I watch her, I can tell she's trying her hardest to not mess up, I should go talk to her. As I approach her, I tap her shoulder lightly, but she jumps a little and drops her pen.

Wimothy- ace!? Why the fuck!?

Ace- oh shit! Wimothy , sorry I didn't want to scare you!

Wimothy- I had that line perfect!! Didn't I tell you I'm fine with being alone!?

Ace- I'm sorry wims. . .

Wimothy- ugh. . . Great now I have to fix this line.

Ace- . . .

She never really yells at me like that, she usually just laughs it off, but why did she change all of a sudden?

Let's not think too hard about it, for now.




Writers note
Here's the first chapter of the first book, I'm very excited to see how far this series goes!

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon.

And also

Enjoy this magic show. . .

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now