heartslabul-chapter 16: a front

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Treys POV

I stared in shock at her, this isn't her, wimothy loves hanging out with us. . . This. . . Is. . . Not. . . True.

Trey- . . . No. . .

OB Wimothy- what. . .?

Trey- wimothy loves hanging out with us. . . Wimothy is an absolute angel to hangout with! I won't believe your lies!

OB Wimothy looked at me with disgust in her eyes.

OB Wimothy- ugh you're like an insect! You'll be shocked when it's the truth.

Trey- I know you're lying!!

OB Wimothy-. . .

Trey- why would you even say something like that! You're not wimothy at all! You're a selfish! Manipulative! Self centered! Massoci-

Just then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I look down and see that wimothy has run an ice spike through my abdomen.

Riddle- TREY!!!!!

I hear riddle scream my name

Trey- r. . . Riddle. . .

Deuce- trey!? TREY!!!

Cater and ace- TREY!!!

OB Wimothy- GOD YOU ANNOY ME!! maybe this'll shut you up!

Trey- . . . W- wimothy. . .

I reach out my hand that's shaking and I touch it to wimothys fist. . .

For a second wimothy snaps back to her normal self.

OB Wimothy- ARGH!  AHHH!

riddle- h-huh?

OB Wimothy- ugh. . . Hehehe. . .

But it didn't work, wimothy wasn't back yet.


OB Wimothy pushed the ice spike deeper into my abdomen.

Trey- ARGH!

Riddles POV

I can't just sit here helplessly I need to save him, I need to save them.

With my fire magic I'm able to break through the ice and reach them again.

Riddle- guys!

OB Wimothy- what!?

Ace- housewarden!! You're here!

I manage to free everyone else, I run to treys side.

Riddle- trey!? Trey!!

Nothing. . . Just quit breathing

Riddle- deuce, keep an eye on trey, the rest of us will handle her.

Deuce- yes housewarden! And do me a favor!

Riddle- yes?

Deuce- go ahead and punch this imposter hard for me!

Riddle- wish granted!!!

Cater- let's get this doppelganger!!!

Ace- LETS GO!!!

Grim- mrah!! Wait!!!

Ace- grim!?

Grim- let me help!

Wimothy- UGH YOU ALL ARE LIKE ANNOYING BUGS!!  I made a mistake picking you lot. SO DO ME A FAVOUR AND FREEZE!!!







Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon.

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