heartslabul- chapter 14: the confrontation

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Treys POV



I wake up in the same dream, but this time I was on the top of a building, the stars were shining up above. Over at the edge of the building I saw a small frog and a firefly looking up at the sky.

Trey- (did something happen?)

The frog seemed to look as if it had given up as she shouted.

"Their just stars! It's pointless . . . "

With that the frog hopped away.

Trey- (no! You can't give up now!)



I wake up in my room again. This dream I'm having is way to similar to. . . Huh?

A message from rook?

Rook- ( bonjour, Monsieur clover. I believe grim told me about what happened the other day, I do hope madame Neige is alright today. Best wishes for her Mon amour.)

I guess grim told him about what happened. . . I didn't see the full thing but I'm still shocked. Why would she hide all of this from us? But she's refusing help, and after riddle told me what actually happened, it made it worse.

Trey- ( yes rook, we'll try to talk to her again today, Merci. )

With that I put my phone down, grab my hat, and walk out to the rose garden.

Ace- mornin' trey.

Deuce- good morning.

Cater- morning.

Riddle- good morning trey.

Trey- good morning everyone.

Riddle- we're just about to start, we're just waiting for wimothy.

Trey- oh. . . Okay.

We all stand there an wait for her, other students start arriving in the meantime.

???- oh morning housewarden!

???- hi housewarden!

???- what are we waiting for? Also the painting here looks. . . Uh?

???- questionable. . . But it looks good!

Riddle- sorry we're just waiting for. . .

Just then wimothy walks into the rose garden, her head hung low and her hands at her sides. It looked like she was carrying. . . A knife?

Deuce- there she is!

Ace- wimothy! Where have you been!? Also what is that for!?

Cater- wimothy. Are you planning something?

Trey- wimothy, just tell us. What are you planning!

Wimothy just stood there, before she spoke

Wimothy- all of this. . . Was for nothing. . .

Cater- what was for nothing?

Wimothy- . . . I had it. . . It was going to be. . . Perfect. . .

Deuce- what are you talking about!?

Wimothy- . . . This painting. . . I thought I had it perfectly. . . This planning. . . All for nothing. . . I had it. . . Planned carefully. . .

Trey- what do you mean! It's alright just how it is!!

Wimothy- . . . You don't get it do you. . . Careful planning . . . Now waisted. . . No more planning no more patients . . .

Ace- wimothy! You did good! It wasn't a waist of time! Stop doubting yourself!

Wimothy- shut up. . .

Cater- this is the best you could do!

Wimothy- shut up. . !

Trey- we like it how it is!!!

Wimothy- shut up!!

Riddle- what do you you possibly want to change!?

Wimothy- SHUT UP!!!

with that wimothy sprints towards the canvas and rips and tares at it.

Deuce-  wimothy what are you doing!? Are you crazy!?

Deuce tries to pull her off but she pushes him off of her.

Wimothy- . . .

Riddle- what have you done!?

Wimothy- this. . . Was useless. . . Nothing but pointless trash. . . It means nothing to me. . .

Trey- wimothy. . .




Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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