heartslabul- chapter 2: take her time

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Ace's POV

While we were busy painting the roses, I still couldn't stop thinking about wimothys outburst back there, and it wasn't long before cater and deuce noticed.

Cater- hey there, acey? What's wrong?

Deuce- you seem to be spacing out over there. Why is that?

Ace- well uh. . .

Cater- oh let me guess! You're thinking of wimothy huh?

Ace- what no!!! It's not tha-

Deuce- well then looks like you moved on quickly!

Are these two for real!?

Ace- GUY!! listen to me!

Cater and deuce quickly shut up.

Ace- I am thinking about wimothy,. . .

Cater- I knew i-

Ace- BUT!!! I'm worried about her

Deuce- huh? Why are you worried? She looked happy when we were talking with her, right?

Ace- I know but. . . I stayed behind to watch her start the drawing and I saw that her hands where shaking alot, like she was nervous.

Deuce- that sounds normal, like everyone's hands shake if they do something that requires alot of presision.

Ace- deuce!! Get it through your thick fucking skull!! That never happens with wimothy!!! Not to mention she completely blew up at me when I went to go talk to her.

Cater- maybe she didn't want to talk?

Deuce- I don't know. Maybe you're thinking to hard about this, ace.

Ace- you have to believe me! There's something wrong!

Cater- likely story, wimothy is a strong girl, they would of told us if something was wrong.

Ugh there's no way they'll believe me, now. I need to find more evidence.

Treys POV

As I walk out to the rose garden, I can see that wimothy is struggling with something.

Trey- uh, hey wimothy? You doing okay?

Wimothy- huh? Oh hey trey. . . I'm just having trouble getting the line art perfect.

Trey- well it looks good to me. Why push it farther?

Wimothy- I just want it to be good! Getting to make art for such a big occasion! That's like my dream!

I sit down next to wimothy, my hand resting on her shoulder as I let out a sigh.

Trey- wimothy. . . I like what you're doing with this, really I do. But you have to know when to stop, of you keep pushing it too far, you're gonna tire yourself out. Remember what I said to you that day.



Flashy backy

Trey- wimothy?

Wimothy- this is all too much. We shouldn't resort to fighting the housewarden, that's just. . . This is too much!

Trey-. . .

Wimothy- all I wanna do is just find a way home. . .

Trey- just try to take it easy. . . I'm sorry.


End flashy backy

Wimothy- I know. . . I just have to do this, trey!

I stand back up and take a breather.

Trey- just. . . Dont push yourself okay?

She's not gonna listen to me. . .




Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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