heartslabul-chapter 19: an apology

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Third person

The heartslabul group are now standing around a now unconscious wimothy as the ice around them started to melt and disappear.

Wimothy- . . . Ugh. . . Wha. . .

Riddle- wimothy!?

Riddle and the others run over to wimothys side

Ace- wimothy!? Oh shit. . . Are you alright!?

Deuce- please tell us you're okay. . .

Cater- wimothy?

Wimothy flinched in pain for her leg is broken

Wimothy- o-ow!

Deuce- oh no. . . Her leg is broken.

Riddle- wimothy. . .

Wimothy-. . . Riddle. . . I. . . I'm sorry. . . I did all of this. I caused you all of this pain! I overreacted. . . I'm so sorry!!

Wimothy started to tear up

Wimothy- I'm sorry! Just have my head and move on! There's no repaying you! I'm sorry! *Sob*

Wimothy sits there ugly crying as the group stands there unsure what to do.

Finally riddle reaches to her and Hugs her.

Riddle- it's okay. . . You've been through alot. I'll let it slide this time.

Grim- wimothy!

Wimothy- grim! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!

Grim- you scared me!  Don't overblot again!!!

Wimothy- I won't! I won't I promise! You- you are stepping on my leg ow ow!

Grim- oh sorry. Hmm?

Grim looks down at a dark rock on the ground

Grim- ooh I wonder if? Nom!

Deuce- what the!? Grim!?

Cater- grim! Honey! I thought we talked about this before!?

Grim- mrah! But this one tastes so good!

Trey- *cough cough*!

Deuce- trey!!

Cater- oh crap I almost forgot!?

Wimothy- w-wait what?

Wimothy looks over to trey on the ground bleeding out slowly.

Riddle- trey! Are you alright!?

Wimothy- t-trey. . .?

Trey- *cough* . . . Huh?

Trey sounded weak looking at him made wimothy want to cry, what made it even worse is that this was by her hands.

Slowly and painfully wimothy dragged herself to him.

Ace- wimothy be careful

Wimothy- t-trey. . . ?

Trey- . . . Wimothy. . . .

Wimothy- I. . . I did this. . . .

Trey looked at her, slowly he sat upwards

Riddle- careful trey. The headmage is almost here.

Trey- . . . Wimothy. . . You're. . .

Wimothy- I'm sorry. . . This was all my fault!

Seeing the face of his beloved, trey couldn't help but let out all of the feelings he hid back at ramshackle.

Trey- . . . You're. . . . You're okay! . . . You're. . . Okay. . . *Sob*

Wimothy- I almost killed you. . .

Treys sobs stunned everyone there as the two of them embraced each other being careful not to hurt each other.

When the headmage arrived he took both trey and wimothy to the infermary.





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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