heartslabul-chapter 5: a reconsideration

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Third person

As nitro instructs flo to keep an eye on cater, he turns to wimothy.

Nitro- hey wimothy?

Wimothy- . . .

Nitro- wims?

Wimothy- . . . What.

Nitro- i-im sorry for blaming you. I talked with cater and. . .

Wimothy- and what? Say that im in the wrong!? Well I'm not! I just didn't want her to see my drawings! And then you just had to instigate!

Nitro- do you think I LIKE doing that!?

Wimothy- of course you like doing that! Because you do it ALL. THE. TIME!

People start to watch the two of them.

Nitro- you're making such a big deal out just stupid fucking drawings! You don't have to be THIS dramatic about such a stupid fucking thing, What do you not want them to see in the first place!?

Wimothy goes silent

Nitro- you're always so cooped up in all of your artwork that you've lost your grip on reality!! So it's about time that you OPENED YOUR FUCKING EYES, AND FINALLY PUT THE PEN DOWN!! and with all of this you're just annoying everyone else! So stop wasting your fucking time and quit! It's for your own good. . .

Nitro walks out of the classroom as the professor arrives. As wimothy looks around at everyone staring at her, she sits down and starts sobbing.

And the second drop fell. . .



Flashy backy

Riddle- that's enough!! Off with your heads!

Grim- mrah! Not again!

Deuce- wah!?

Wimothy- riddle! What the heck!? This is unfair they just did what trey and cater said! These "rules" are unreasonably!

Riddle- are you saying that the queen of hearts is unreasonable!? You think I like doing this!?

Ace- wimothys right! These rules aren't fair at all!

Riddle- ENOUGH! trey, cater throw them out!

Trey and cater- yes housewarden. . .




End flashy backy

As wimothy sits there people start to murmur

???- what just happened?

???- I think those two just fought.

???- that boy was really going off on her.

???- kinda mean, but also pretty scary.

???- what were they even talking about.

???- I think he just gave her a brutal reality check.

???- oof. . .

Among everyone trey sits at his seat looking at her with a worried look.

Ruggie- hey, trey. You good?

Trey- huh? Oh uh yeah. . . I'm fine.

Ruggie- yeesh. That nitro guy really went off on wimothy.

Trey-. . .

After classes were over for the day, trey approached wimothy cautiously.

Trey- hey.

Wimothy- . . . Hey. . . W-what do you want. . .

Trey- I was just checking up on you, I saw you dispute this morning. . . With nitro?

Wimothy- right! So that's why you're here instead of him! He can't even be bothered to say sorry!

Wimothy starts to tear up again.

Trey- wimothy, remember what i-

Wimothy- can you just!. . . Ugh! Leave me alone!

Wimothy runs off, leaving trey alone.

Trey- . . . Wimothy. . .





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now