heartslabul-chapter 21: the third act

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Wimothys POV

Wimothy- hey riddle, can I ask you something?

Riddle- sure, what is it?

Wimothy- Well since I ruined the unbirthday party I was wondering if we could redo it?

Riddle- I was just about to ask you that! Of course!

Wimothy- nice! Because I have an idea.

Ace- an idea?

Deuce- like what?

Wimothy- you'll see.



So the second act is over. . .

But don't applaud yet! Because every magic trick has a third act, the act to finish everything, the act that's called. . . The prestige.

Three days later

Riddle- where is she?

Ace- she should have been here hours ago!

Wimothy- IM HERE!

riddle- wimothy! You're late!

Wimothy- sorry! Sorry! I had to grab some stuff.

Trey- oh she's here?

Wimothy- trey! How are you feeling?

Trey- I'm feeling alright now, you?

Wimothy- a little bit better? Imma take it easy today, k?

Trey- very good! You remembered!

Wimothy- alright here's the plan! I already did the sketch here, so now all we have to do is paint it!

Ace- how are we gonna do that? That's gonna take hours!

Wimothy- with these!

I hold up some big paint rollers and brushes.

Wimothy- just get as much paint and just go crazy!

Deuce- go crazy?

Ace- like do whatever we want?

Wimothy- yeah!

Trey- you're saying we can do. . .

Cater- whatever we want.

Wimothy- uh huh!

Riddle- as in throwing random colors at the canvas?

Wimothy- exactly! So are y'all in or out!

Riddle- I don't know. It seems like a lot o-

Just then ace and cater grabbed riddles arms and dragged him over.

Cater- c'mon housewarden! It'll be fun!

Riddle- ack! Let go of me!!!

Wimothy- I guess we're all ready?

All- yeah!

As we split up we grab our colors and start. I grab purple colors, riddle grabs red colors, ace grabs pink, cater grabs orange, deuce grabs blue, and trey grabs green colors. With that we take off our dorm jackets and start.

We all dance around as we splatter, throw, and roll paint onto our canvases, this is one of the best ideas I've had ever, I'm a genius!

We also used some magic to help us. Mainly wind magic.

The different color hues splash and cover the rose bushes, but none of us care to stop. Laughter echoes from the rose garden, students are looking at us from afar and talking about us.

???- look at them go!

???- there painting over the roses though?

???- is the housewarden okay with that?

???- well he did agree with wimothy.

???- they look so happy.

???- they're all like a family.

A final splash, and we're done. Our clothes are covered in paint, I've never seen something so. . . Perfect.

Riddle- it's beautiful!

Ace- I've never had that much fun with magic.

Deuce- we did make quite a mess.

Cater- *huff* you can. . .*huff* say that again. . .

Trey- wimothy, you feeling alright?

Wimothy-. . .

I just stand there admiring the work we did, it may have been messy, but it was all worth fun.

Wimothy- this is what I want.

Riddle- what do you me-

Without thinking I run to hug all of them.

Wimothy- this was what I wanted all along!

Ace- whoa! Hey can you tell us what you mean first!?

Wimothy- it's not about just spotless, perfect paintings, I have my own version. . . It's wimothy approved! Messy paintings have a meaning! Colors in particular can tell stuff about a person!
It. . . Wasn't meaningless after all. . .


wimothy- okay! Okay! Settle!

Riddle- but you're right. Though it was messy, it was still fun.

Cater- for reals! It was!

Deuce- it was fun!

Trey- I enjoyed it so much.

Cater- c'mon you know you want to!

Trey- no! I- no!

Cater- just go!

Trey- no!

Cater- grow up and go!

Cater pushes trey towards me

Wimothy- hm?

Trey- uh. . . Wimothy? I was uh. . . Wondering if you were. . . Um.

I could tell that trey was blushing slightly, and he was stuttering.

Trey- if you were going to be at the unbirthday party tomorrow?

I look over to see cater face palming.

Wimothy- obviously I'm gonna be there! I wanna see what people think of this. Oh wait that reminds me! I forgot one thing.

I hold out my magic pen and touch it to the canvas.

Ice magic traces over the lines which are covered in paint, the lines become more visible the more ice I add.

Wimothy- that's better.

Deuce- the lines look like they're glowing!?

Cater- so cool! I have to snap some pics!

Trey- anyone in the mood for something sweet?

Ace- of course!

Deuce- hell yeah!

Cater- wait for me!

As they all run off me and riddle are still standing there.

Riddle- wimothy?

Wimothy- riddle?

Riddle- thank you. . . For your hard work.

Me and riddle share one last hug before we head inside.

Riddle- you truly are a fine housewarden.

Wimothy- y-you really think?

Riddle- of course.

Wimothy- thank you riddle!





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now