heartslabul-chapter 7: the second strike

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Aces POV

We head outside to see wimothy yelling at another student.

???- shit! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!

Wimothy- look what you did!! You ruined it! It was almost fully done!! But now because of this, I have to fix this mess!!

Riddle- hey! What's going on here!?

???- housewarden riddle! I'm sorry! I accidentally spilled paint on wimothys canvas! Please have mercy!

Riddle- you just have to be careful next time. Wimothy! What happened!?

Wimothy- they absolutely ruined it! It was going to be perfect!

Ace- hey wimothy? Don't you think you're overreacting just a little?

Wimothy glared at me, she usually does that, but this time it was a bit more scary.

Wimothy- overreacting!? You know what!!! Forget it!! I need to blow off some fucking steam!!! Ugh!!

And just like that, wimothy stormed off. I was in shock, she never acted like that, she never yelled at another student before either.

Cater- what just happened!?

Deuce- dude what happened!?

Trey just stays silent

Riddle- why is she acting like this?

Ace- all her outbursts have been connected to one thing.

Trey- her snapping at ace for messing her up, her and nitros dispute, her pushing me away, her yelling at someone for ruining her art, it's all connected. She wants fame, notoriety, to be recognized.

Riddle- but why would she want that?

Trey- let's not go into detail today, well talk tomorrow.

Riddle- yes you all should head off to bed.

All- yes housewarden.




The third drop falls




Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

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