heartslabul-chapter 22: heartslabul epilogue

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Chris's POV

I still don't know what happened with wimothy, is she going to be okay? Will I be next to overblot? I can't stop myself from shaking, I'm so scared. Maybe I was wrong, maybe this place isn't as safe as it seemed.

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Chris- Ahh!!

Jack- whoa! Chris! Sorry did I scare you?

Chris- j-jack. . .?

I grab onto Jack and buried my face in his chest.

Jack- hey? What's wrong? You having another episode?

Chris- mhm. . .

Jack- hey now, you're alright. You heard about wimothy too, huh?

Chris- y-yes, I. . . I'm scared, Jack.

Jack- you don't have to be. I'll take you to a place where you can rest





That's all for the first book! I'm slowly moving everything over to ao3 starting with the prologue. I might re write this book but idk yet

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon.

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