heartslabul- chapter 4: that strange dream

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Tw: vomiting. So if you don't like that. GET OUT!

Treys POV



I open my eyes. . . in a dream, I see an abandoned building that looks like its in deep need for a cleaning, and two women standing in the center, one of them seems visually excited as she dances around the room, I see that the building was for sale.

Trey- (maybe she's looking to buy this place?)

I look down and see a flyer of some sort, it looks like a restaurant ad.

Trey- (she wants to open a restaurant. How nice.)

But these words stood out to me

"I'm almost there!"

It's kinda like. . .



I'm awoken my alarm on my phone.

Trey- ugh just a dream. . .



Third person

Second period magic history

As wimothy enters the classroom she quickly takes her seat and opens her notebook.

Nitro- well you seem excited today.

Flo- is she not always like that?

Wimothy- oh uh hey nitro, flo. . . Forgot you were in this class. . .

Nitro- could say the same. . .

Wimothy- also shouldn't you be wearing your school uniform?

Nitro- no shot you're gonna catch me wearing THAT, fuck no.

Wimothy- I feel you. . . When I first arrived I didn't want to wear that shit.

Cater- hey wims!

Nitro- Вот дерьмо. ( oh shit. )

Cater- oh hey there nitro!

Wimothy- hey there cater.

Wimothy turns her focus to he notebook.

Cater- whatcha doin'?

Wimothy- oh uh just some small sketches.

She folds her arms over the pages

Cater- hm? Can I see em?

Wimothy- uh I'd . . . Rather not show you. . .

Cater- huh why not?

Wimothy- well it's just. . . Nevermind.

Cater- I don't think it's that ba-

Wimothy- can you just! . . . I don't want people to see it. . .

Cater- huh. . . Okay. . .

Cater clutches her stomach before standing up and running out.

Wimothy- huh!? Wait cater!

Nitro- way to go you Идиот.(idiot)

As nitro ran after cater, wimothy puts her head down.

Wimothy- god damnit! What did I do?


Nitros POV

Nitro- cater! Cater!

Where did she run off to? And what's with wimothy!?

I hear sounds coming from the bathrooms. It sounds like. . . wretching!? I walk into the bathroom.

Nitro- cater? Are you in here?

My bad feeling was correct. . . Cater was hunched over, vomiting violently.

Nitro- holy shit!? Cater!?

Oh god it's even worse then I thought, what caused this? Is she sick or something? Damnit and I left flo with wimothy! Ugh! What should I do!?

Nitro- shit, shit, shit, shit! What the fuck should I do!?

Cater- *cough* calm down! *Cough* i-im fine. . .

Nitro- cater!

I rush to cater and help her up, I immediately take back everything I said about her, I was so stupid.

Nitro- sorry about wimothy. . .

Cater- n-no no! This isn't about her! I just *cough* this happens alot.

Nitro- well do you wanna go to the infermary Or something?

Cater- *cough, cough*! N-no it's fine, I'll be okay.

Cater weakly stands up

Nitro- come with me cater. You're obviously not doing well. here I'll take you to the infermary and have flo keep watch over you.

Cater- y-you don't have to-

Nitro- I said what I said! A third year student should look after their own kind.

Cater- okay fine. . .





Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now