heartslabul-chapter 8: refusal

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Riddles POV




I'm back in the dream again but this time it's in a room, there was a woman standing at the window looking out at the people, however items were frozen over in the room.

Riddle- (does she have ice magic?)

The woman was whispering something to herself.

"One wrong move, and everyone will know."

Riddle- (is she hiding something?)

"I don't want to make a big mistake. . ."

Riddle- (*gasp* just like-)



But it was too late , I snap awake.

Riddle- what does it mean?

Just then I hear a knock on the door

Ace- Riddle. It's me ace! You up yet?

Riddle- oh uh coming!

I quickly go open the door.

Ace- there you are! We haven't heard from wimothy yet. And she hasn't come by yet either.

Riddle-that's odd? Usually she's quick to answer.

Ace- maybe after what happened yesterday, she doesn't want to come by.

Riddle- you're probably right. . .




Wimothys POV

I couldn't stop shaking. Why did I do that? I shouldn't have yelled at them for accidentally spilling paint on the canvas!? God maybe nitro was right. . . I am just annoying. . .



No. . . I'm not giving up. . .

Wimothy- everything will go exactly like how I want it to. . . I won't let doubts get in the way. I WON'T LET THEM!



a fourth drop falls




Writers note
Sorry for not having so much funny stuff in this book, it's just because I want this to be wimothy angst but trust me at the end of the book an in the future there will be funny stuff. Just bear with me.

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now