heartslabul-chapter 3: first strike

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Riddles POV



As I open my eyes in this dream I can see a snowy mountain, and in the distance, the small lights of a town. I see a lake that seems to be frozen over, and ice harvesters hacking away at it, among them was a young boy following along with the other harvesters, they were singing a tune while they cut, it sounds kind of. . . Familiar. . .

Riddle- (where have I heard this tune before?)

As the ice harvesters head off the final words hit me.

"Beware the frozen heart."

Riddle- (some of those words sound like wimothys signature spell!)

The little boy then follows along with them off into the woods

Riddle- ( h-hey! Wait!)

But it's too late they already vanished



As I snap awake trey is sitting with me in the lounge area.

Trey- whoa there! Good morning!

Riddle- oh. . . Sorry trey. Did I scare you?

Trey- no not at all, I just came back after checking on wimothy, she said she's doing alright.

Riddle- that's good. Well I think we can wrap it up for today, you all must be in bed before the curfew.

Trey- yes housewarden!

As trey finishes everything in the kitchen I head out to tell wimothy.

Riddle- hey wimothy! How is everything?

Wimothy- huh? Oh! It's going good riddle! Just started prepping the paints and everything! I should be done by next week!

Riddle- that's good you've done alot for today, I suppose you can head back to ramshackle now.

Wimothy- okay! After classes are over tomorrow I'll come back here same time tomorrow!

Riddle- very well. Rest easy!

Wimothy- thanks riddle!

And with that wimothy runs off happily.





Wimothys POV

As I sit there on the floor of my room, clutching a box cutter in my hands, and a ruined canvas at my knees.

Wimothy- it's fine. . . It's fine. . . Everything's fine. . . I can make it better. . . I can make it better. . .

As I sit there looking at the broken and ruined canvas a single drop fell. . .



A drop of blot energy. . .

It wont be long now. . .

Just then I here a knock at my door.

???- housewarden? You've been in there for hours. Are you okay?

Wimothy- huh! Oh yeah I'm fine!

I can't be worrying my students. . . I want to be a good housewarden for them all. . .

But what if I mess up? No! I can't! I won't mess up!

I want to be the best housewarden!




Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now