heartslabul-chapter 11: the plan 3

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Like grim said, we head over to wimothys room, to see if she's in there, however the door refused to open.

Riddle- the doors not opening.

Cater- hold on! Let me try.

Before I could say anything, cater rams her entire body against the door, in an attempt to break down the door, but it still didn't budge

Cater- ow! Yeah never doing that again!

Deuce- let me try!

Deuce rounds back and punches the door, and the door flies open.

Deuce- it's just that easy.

Ace- hold up what's in there?

By this point I completely ignored lisanas warning and stepped into wimothys room.

Riddle- wimothy! Are you in here?

As we look around the room we see nothing but art supplies and canvases and papers that are to torn to shreds, some painted canvases are sliced and ripped. Paint splatters and smears cover a desk, on the desk was a ruined canvas and a box cutter, pencil drawings littered the floor.

Riddle- does she really live like this?

Cater- what a mess.

Deuce- hey! Look at this.

Deuce is holding up four of the pencil drawings we found on the floor. They looked pretty. . . Graphic.

Cater- geez. Why are they so. . .

Deuce- she's been drawing these.

Riddle- she has!?

Ace- this is why she didn't want us to see.

In the corner of my eye I see a sketchbook that's open I walk over to it and i see more extremely dark pictures that look like someone spilled ink on the page. There's some writing next to it, it says-



i feel a heavy blow hit my face and my mind goes blank.




Writers note
From now on I will be posting my stories to ao3
I'll still post on here but I'll just copy them to ao3
Once I get my invite.

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now