heartslabul-chapter 17: the fight

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Riddles POV

Riddle- everyone ready!

Ace and cater- yes housewarden!

Grim- let's get my henchhuman back!

OB Wimothy- ugh you're starting to get on my nerves!

Riddle- wimothy! I know a part of you is still in there! You need to come back before your phantom takes you over!

OB Wimothy- you wanna bring back the lame version of me? THEN COME AND GET ME!

Ice shards form around wimothy.

Cater- how do ya wanna take this on housewarden!?

Riddle- I have a plan. . . Cater, grim you guys go that way, ace follow me!

OB Wimothy-  where y'all going!? Huh!?

Ice shards fly our way, we barely evaded them

Ace- crap their good!

Cater- grimmy! I have an idea!

Grim- well you better make it worth it! MRAHH!

Cater easily dodges each shard sent her way and uses her unique magic


OB Wimothy- grr multiple!?

Cater- okay grimmy let the other me's distract her! That'll buy us some time!

Grim- let's do this! Here!!!

Cater- comes!!!

Both- the great grim!!!!

OB Wimothy- ARGH! Ugh that's not fair.

OB Wimothy send icicles towards cater and grim, I quickly blocked the attack

Riddle- careful guys!

Cater- thanks housewarden!

Ace- hey! A little help here!?

Riddle- oh here ace!

I quickly deflected the icicles

Ace- thanks!

We kept the battle going for a while but OB Wimothy wasn't having it.

OB Wimothy- ENOUGH!!

OB Wimothy send ice shards flying in all directions its impossible to dodge

Ace- argh! Not. . . Now. . .

Cater- I've been. . . Outmatched. . . .

Riddle- ugh. . .

OB Wimothy- I've had enough. . . EVERYTHING MUST BE DESTROYED!!!!

grim- WAIT!! WIMOTHY!!!

as we look up at wimothy and her phantom as they cast their strongest attack someone deflects it.


deuce jumped in front of us and used his unique magic.

OB Wimothy- WHAT!?

Riddle- deuce!?

Ace- dude!? What the heck!? You should be over there with trey sen!!!

Deuce looked physically exhausted after he released that much magic.

Deuce-  I. . . I didn't want my bros getting hurt. . .

Ace- bro. . .

As deuce releases the magic he falls to his knees in exhaustion

Ace- deuce!?

Cater- deuce!!

Riddle- deuce are you okay!?

Deuce- ugh. . . Yeah. . . I'm fine . . .

OB Wimothy- ugh. . . I. . . L . . . Lost?? Inconceivable!! I was . . . So close. . . Why. . . Why did I fail. . . Professor. . . .






Writers note
That's the overblot sequence done and dusted. Post overblot coming right up!

Thanks for reading and have a good morning good night or good afternoon

heartslabul book 1: the futile perfectionist Where stories live. Discover now