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I've only been home for an hour and I already regret it "It's finally nice to have you back home it's been ages can't believe you left me here to deal with everything on my own you should of came home as soon as mum and dad broke up" Eve says my annoying sister "Well I was in another country traveling so I couldn't come home" I say she rolls her eyes "You and your stupid youtube channel you were traveling the world while I've been stuck here with mum and you haven't even cared to ask how I was this whole Time" Eve says which annoyed me "I'm sorry but you chose to stay here not me and yes maybe I should visit more but I don't like this place not that much and I'm only here for the holiday then me and my career will leave you alone okay" I say getting annoyed now "Whatever" she says slamming the door and that's the exact reason I didn't want to come home my little sister the girl who blames me for all her problems that made my life a misery growing up, my phone beeps and I look at the screen It's Sam

Heard your back in town, welcome back x

Hi Sam news travels fast ay are you back in town or did your mum tell you x

Oh I'm back in town we should meet up I'm back for the holidays and it would be good to see you like 0ld times x

I smile at the messages but was soon interrupted by Eve "Look what I've found your diary Oh Colby makes me smile I'm in love" she reads out "You rat" I shout "Give it me now" I say "No" she says holding it and continuing to read I snach it out of her hands "Don't ever go through my things again you brat" I shout she leaves my room, I sigh as I sit back on my bed

Yeah I would love to meet up I've missed you x

Perfect when do you want to meet and what do you want to do? X

Honestly whenever I'm free everyday and any time x

Okay how about Monday then shall we go to the mall do some shopping have food and go for some drinks x

Yeah I would love that perfect shall we say around 11 ? X

Yeah, I'll see you Monday can't wait x

Me neither

Sam my bestfriend from school the guy who just gets me that I don't have to pretend to be anyone else around, also the guy who incouraged me to chase my dreams and become a youtuber I've always wanted to travel the world and Sam suggested that I start a youtube channel and I show them the world and thats what I did, I miss him so much but he's a youtuber to so I get to keep up with him even colby I know we ended things on a bad note but I do still like to see how's he's doing and to be honest with you he's gotten even more hotter then before I don't even know hows that possible.

"Come downstairs for dinner" my mum shouts "Coming" I shout as I leave my room and head downstairs as soon as I got there Eve looks annoyed as always "Thank for dinner mum" I say as I sit at the table "Oh it's fine honey" she says smiling "I do need to talk to you though" She says "Sure mum what's wrong ?" I ask "Well you and your sister need to be nicer to eachother because I don't want you two arguing aspecially this close to Christmas do you understand" She says "Yeah mum I do" I say "Yeah fine" Eve replys "Watch the attitude Eve" Mum says which makes me smile, We eat dinner and then sit down to watch a movie I make my way upstairs sitting down on my bed when I get a message I look at the phone and smile when I see its from dad

Hi honey, welcome home I can't wait to see you, Friday I'm looking forward to it so I know mum has you Christmas day but can I have you and your sister at mine for boxing day been as your nan will be round x

Yeah sure dad I would love that and I'll tell Eve x

Okay honey also new years eve do you want to come to a family party? X

I put my phone down "Eve do you want to come to Dad family party on new years eve?" I ask "No" she shouts back "Okay" I reply "Wait are you spending new years eve with your dad ?" Mum asks "I was thinking about it yeah" I reply "Well your just going to leave me on my own when he has a whole new family" She says making me feel bad "But you'll have Eve here" I say "You know I feel like you don't want to spend time with me" She replys "It's not that it's fine I'll spend new years with you and Eve" I reply "Thank you honey" my mum says

Hi dad sorry but I'm spending it with mum she wants me to stay here x

Okay whatever you want x

I feel bad like a let down why do I have to pick between them it's not fair, Maybe if I look through this diary I can take my mind off everything I grab the diary and open to the first page......

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