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Pov (Y.N)
Today the day I need to chose if I'm staying here with the boys or if I'm going to go traveling again, it's a hard decision because my heart wants me to stay but my mind telling me that my fans won't be happy but I'm happy right now and I'm loving every minute of My life living with Sam and Colby it's for that reason it's a obvious decision anyway you can always go on holiday right and travel when your on holiday you don't have to go away for long periods of time anymore. I need to speak to someone to actually help me make my mind up only problem is if I speak to Colby then I'm scared he's going to tell me to go and see the world so instead I make my way over to Sam's room "Come in" he shouts "Hi Sam can I talk to you for a minute" I ask as he turn around from his computer to look at me "Yeah sure sit down" he says as I sit at the edge of his bed he walks over and sits down next to me "So what do you want to talk about ?" He asks with a smile "Well I've already kind of made up my mind but I really just need someone else opinion" I say he nods his head "So it's time for me to start thinking about traveling the world again my mind wants me to go but my heart wants to stay here with You and Colby, I'm so happy here and my life feels complete and I mean I can always go on holidays and stuff it just won't be the Same as before like going to a country for a month and then the next you know what I mean?" I ask he smiles "Well in that case follow your heart, Me and Colby love having you here but of course we always knew that you might leave us again we just wasn't sure when so if you do want to go traveling then I understand but if you want to stay then that's even better" he says smiling "Well my heart telling me I want to stay if that's okay with you and Colbs of course" I say which makes Sam smile "That's more then okay" he says "Thank you sam" I say giving him a hug he smiles at me "(Y.N)" he says as I get to his door "Yeah" I reply "It's good to have you Home" he says which makes me smile "It's good to be home" I say smiling as I leave his room closing the door behind me. My minds set and I'm staying I decided to wait till later to tell Colby.

Sam and Colby were sat on the couch watching a TV show "What you watching ?" I ask Colby smiles at me "Stranger things do you want to join us baby" he asks looking at me "Sure but can we like talk first?" I ask he nods his head at me "Come on then" he says getting up "What I mean here" I say "Oh infront of Sam?" He asks "Yeah" I say smiling "Oh okay" he says Sam smiles at me knowing what I'm about to say he pauses stranger things "So I need to tell you something" I say looking at them "I've decided that I'm going to stay here with You guys if that's okay instead of going traveling" I say which makes colby smile "Omg babe that's amazing and we can go on holiday and stuff ahhh" he says running over to me to give me a hug "And of course we will have you" he says wrapping his arms around me "I'm so glad you've decided to stay with us (Y.N)" Sam says running over to join mine and Colby hug "Group hug" I shout as we all hug eachother. "What made you decided to stay?" Colby asks "I've already done it made my dream come true I've been traveling for 8 years now I've seen the world and its beutiful and I will continue to see the world just not as often now, and to be honest with you I want to settle down now with you see what Las Vagus has to offer. I want to feel like I'm not that far away like I've got people close to me like my Family which is you two and of course my actual family and I want to know what love is more because the past few weeks have been amazing aspecially with you two in my life and like Colby said the other day I already lost you once I'm not about to lose you again" I say which makes colby begin to cry happy tears "I fucking love you so much" he says before pulling me into another hug.

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