Why Baby

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     ~ Trigger Warning Self Harm ~

It's been a day since I uploaded the video announcing that me and Colby were together and the response hasn't been the best, I know I shouldn't read the comment but I have been and each time my heart hurts more his fans really hate me

Eww whys he with her he deserves so much better I mean look at her

Omg his ex was so much better why did he get with her

She should just do us all a favour and leave I mean colby deserves so much better

Most of the comment repeated themselves I can't do this anymore there right he's deserves better after all I am selfish I'm not good enough for him, I feel the tears burning down my eyes as I get out of bed and head to the bathroom I take my blade from out of the cupboard and begin to cut, "Babe are you hungry ?" Colby asks "No" I say back still crying "Babe are you crying ? What's happened ? Is everything okay ?" Colby asks from outside of the door "I'm fine" I say back "Babe your not fine I can hear you your crying can I come in ?" He asks "Erm no" I shout back to quickly as I begin to panic "Babe what's going on?" He asks as he opens the door and walks in I quickly hid the blade behind me "Babe what's...." He goes to speak but stops "What have you done" he says running over to me and grabbing a towel off the side before wrapping it around my arm "I'm sorry" I whisper he looks at me and pulls me in for a hug "It's okay whatever happening we can talk about it but I don't want you hurting yourself" he says looking at me "(Y.N) can I borrow...." Sam stops speaking as he see the towel around my arm "What's happened ?" Sam asks looking between the two of us "I'm sorry" I say which makes his eyes go wide as his eyes go glossy "Why?" He asks looking between me and Colby "You know what it doesn't matter give me a minute" Sam says as he leaves the room "Babe promise me you won't do this again" he says looking me in the eyes as he begins to cry "I promise" I say back "Sorry I shouldn't be crying infront of you like this aspecially considering that your already hurting I'm sorry" he says looking at me "Don't apologise I know I've done something really stupid I'm sorry" I say back He lightly smiles at me "I'm back" Sam announces carrying a first aid kit with him "Stand up babe" Colby says so I do what he says, He sits down and then pulls me onto his lap Sam smiles lightly taking the towel off my arm as he goes to grab my arm I flinch "It's okay its just me, I'm just going to patch you up" Sam says before he gets out an antibacterial wipe and begins to wipe "This will sting" Sam says Colby has one arm around my waist as he puts my hand in his free hand, I lay my head back on Colby shoulder "Your okay babe" Colby says as he looks at me. After Sam patched me up Colby, Me and Sam sat down on my bed "How come you did this babe?" Colby asks as he looks at me with concern "It doesn't matter" I say to which he shakes his head "It does matter" he says "Come on this isn't like you (Y.N) you've never done anything like this before" Sam says as him and Colby exchange concerns looks "I'm not talking about this" I say getting up but I'm quickly pulled back down onto the bed by Colby. "What did you use and where is it ?" He asks looking at me "A Blade and in the bathroom" I say as he get up "Stay with her sam" he says walking to the bathroom. A few minutes he walks back in "Don't lie to me (Y.N) give me the blade please" Colby says as he kneels down Infront of me and looks into my eyes I pull it out of my back pocket and give it to him "Thank you" he says as he takes it and walks off with it coming back in the room a minute later "Now let's start again shall we Why babe?" He asks as Sam puts his arm around my shoulders "Come on we can't help unless you talk to us" Sam says looking at me "Fine then I'm not good enough for you colby look at you and then look at me you deserve so much better, what do you see in me honestly you should go and get yourself someone who's more pretty" I say he begins to cry now "(Y.N) your more then enough for me your so God damn gorgeous and right now its killing me that you can't see it, your smart beautiful and you make my heart beat quicker then it ever has I love you so much I almost lost you once I'm not about to lose you again where all this came from?" He asks "Because I'm so sorry if I've made you feel like your not good enough coz you are your more then enough" He adds "It's not you" I say with a sigh"Then who baby girl" he replys I see something go off in Sam eyes "The Fans is it the fan ?" He asks I nod my head "What have they said ?" He asks as I pass him my phone "Why do they always do this ?" Colby asks Sam his voice laced with guilt "I'm so sorry babe, I'll sort them out they won't say anything like that to you again come here" Colby says as he pulls me in for a hug "These comments are vile" Sam says before passing my phone to Colby.

Pov (Colby)
I'm absolutely stunned these comments are the worst I've ever seen I look down at (Y.N) my beautiful girlfriend she fallen asleep in my arms I look at Sam who is just as upset as me, I open instagram and I post a cute photo of me and (Y.N) before writting For all of you so called Fans who keep commenting nasty and vile stuff on my girlfriend accounts I suggest you stop now because any horrible comments from now on and I will remove you from my account quicker then you can comment again, be kind to people and don't be horrible she is the kindest and sweetiest person I know and I love her with all my heart for anyone who hasn't yet go send her some love ❤ I post it and then put my phone down Sam then looks at me "She didn't deserve any of that" he says "I know and I'm so annoyed at myself for not reliseing sooner I didn't even think to look at the comment on the video" I say staring back at Sam, I then feel my shirt getting wet I look down and I see (Y.N) awake and crying "Hey baby girl" I say as I play with her hair "Don't blame yourself I was the one who believed those stupid comments" she says which breaks my heart even more. I pull her in for another hug and hold her tight.

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