It's Time

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Pov (Colby)
"Hi baby we've got about a month till the video will go out that needs editing and I don't want to rush you into anything but I was thinking we should tell the fans before the ghost hunting video goes out" I say smiling at her "Yeah I've been thinking about that I think we should make a special video like explaining how we've been friends for years and have found eachother again" she says which makes me smile "I love the idea baby, so when do you want to film it ?" I ask she smiles at me "Now if you don't mind so I can edit the video and maybe put it out in about a week if your okay with that" she says smiling at me I wrap my arm around her waist "Of course I'm fine with that I want the world to know your mine and only mine" I say which makes her kiss me "I love you" she replys before walking off to grab her camera and set it up.

Pov (Y.N)
"Hi Guys and welcome back to my channel so this isn't my normal kind of video to make but I have some very exciting news to share with you guys and it has been a secret for a while but I can finally tell you I have a boyfriend" I announce getting excited "Say hello" I say looking at Colby as he finally steps into frame "Hi Guys" he replys as he waves his hand "So as many of you may know if you've been following me for while you will know that Sam and Colby are my bestfriends and they have been since high school" I say Colby smiles "That's right people I've known her since high school and boy was she hard to handle I had to walk her to detention because she refused to go" Colby says which makes me laugh "I would of skipped if I could but he wouldn't let me" I say rolling my eyes "You loved detention with me" he replys which makes me laugh "Anyway we kind of lost touch for ages until this winter I had to go home for the holiday and guess who else came home that's right people Sam and Colby" I say which makes Colby laugh "Well we reconnected and now we're here and I get to call this pretty girl mine and I am so happy" Colby says which makes me smile. "So now you know I'm going to show you all some of mine and Colby Favourite photo from the album" I say which makes Colby laugh "Don't forget to add the photo of us in detention together" he says which makes me laugh "Okay so do you want to tell the story or shall I?" I ask he begins to laugh "I don't mind" he says "Okay so I just met colby that day and he had detention with me I wasn't going to go so Colby waited outside my form room and then made me go, and to be fair I'm not mad because the detention was fun for us not the teacher lol" I say which makes Colby laugh "Oh he was mad because we refused to listen and then we took a photo just to prove a point and to be fair it is really cute" he says which makes me smile, He pulls a photo out "omg I remember this one it was the barbecue Sam's parents throw when we all pasted our exams" colby says pulling out the photo of us all sat around with our parents just having the time of our lives "My parents looked so happy that day" I say as I remember being so happy "Your dad kept saying how proud he was of all of us" he says "He was drunk that's also why he called you and Sam good boys" I say while laughing which makes colby turn red "I remember that" he says. Oh look at this one "Baby (Y.N) dressed up as a pumpkin aww" he says turning the photo to show the camera "I forgot that was in there and it was my first Halloween" I say which makes him smile at me "What it's cute" he says as he puts it back "Omg I haven't seen this one in so long" I say pulling it out "Wait is that You and Sam as Toddlers omg" Colby shouts looking at the photo "Yes we've been friends since we were little like I said our parents met at a baby play group and that's how we became friends " I say looking at the camera "So adorable" Colby says pouting. "Look at this one it's you writing in your diary you used to love updating your diary I wish I could read that now" Colby says which makes me go red "I still have it you know, it's at mums house" I say which makes him smirk "Next time we go home I'm going to have to read that" he says with a smirk on his face. "Oh I already read babe" I say which makes him give me a shocked face "Wait you did Baby" he asks I nod my head and he begins to laugh "You were missing me that much aww cute" he replys giving me a kiss "Well I actually forgot about it until my sister brought it to me and I knew I had to read it" I say he smiles at me "Well now I've definitely got to see it again" he says "You will one day" I say he begins to smiles "I love you babe" he says before kissing me "I love you more and on that note I'll see you all in my next video don't forget to like and subscribe peace out" I say while making the peace sign Colby does the same before smiling at me "That was amazing and so many memories" he says looking at me "I think we did it perfect might have to cut out some of it though I don't think our follows will appreciate watching us kiss so much" I say which makes him laugh "I say we keep it in" He says before smirking at me "I love you cole" I say he smiles "I love you back but call me Colby babe" he says hating it when I call him by his real name I smile at him "Fine" I say before giving him another kiss.

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