Remember me

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Pov (Colby)
Sam told me last week he was meeting up with (Y.N) and to be honest with you I'm jealous, all I want is to see her again and to speak to her but I know she doesn't want that not after what I said the argument we had how could she ever forgive me I broke her heart that day. I'm sat downstairs spending time with my family when I get a instagram alert Sam Golbach posted to his story I smile as I press on and see the photo with him and (Y.N) they look happy like old times there stood next to a photo of me and Sam in our merch I smile  I then scroll again to see another photo only this time there in the pub with a big smile, I really need to get this pretty girl out of my head I watch her videos and I follow her on Instagram just not under my insta but under mine and Sam shared account. I miss her so much fuck it I think to myself I click back on his story and get the first clip up and I add it to mine with the caption looking good as always, Tagging her in the post and then following her instagram. Right I'm putting the phone down and that's exactly what I'm doing.

Pov (Y.N)
"That was even better than I remember" I say making Sam laugh "The food still so nice in here" Sam says as both out phones go off "What going on?" I say laughing as we both pick them up Instagram Colby brock shared a post your tagged in colby brock followed you I read and I get confused I start by following Colby back and then I view his story, I quickly put my phone down what am I doing ? I think to myself

                    ~ Flashback ~
"Colby what's going on why have you been ignoring my calls?" I ask him "Because I don't want to speak to you okay" he replys making my heart break "Oh" I reply confused "You left me you moved away you could of stayed but you didn't God your so selfish" he says making me cry "I...." I go to speak but he cuts me off "I've needed you and you haven't been here in fact your to busy going to college party to even care about me" He says "That's not true its the course work I've been doing I haven't been to any party" I reply he sounds mad "Whatever you say I guess" he says before hanging up the phone.

What have I done wrong tell me please x

Colby please answer me x

Colby are you okay?  X

Are we okay Colby ?  X

Your right I'm selfish I'm sorry x

Look I think we should break up its not working out I'm sorry

And that's the day my heart broke and the day our friendship ended along with our relationship

              ~ End of Flashback ~

Pov (Y.N)
"(Y.N) are you okay?" Sam asks "Huh" I reply "You were just staring and it looks like your about to cry is everything okay?" He asks "Erm Yeah fine it's just weired seeing Colby post to his story I guess" I reply he smiles "He's doesn't hate you you know he still talks about you" Sam says "That's not true the phone call the message he made it seem like I did the worst thing ever I really hurt him sam" I reply feeling sad "He was just upset he wasn't thinking straight he missed you and instead of telling you he pushed you away" Sam says "He did a good job at that" I reply "Another round?" I say looking at Sam "Yes please" he replys smiling "I'll go get the drinks" I reply. "Okay thank you" Sam says as I walk away, my brain in over drive and the only think that will help that is getting drunk till I can't feel it anymore that's what I'm going to do.

Pov (Sam)
"Okay I think we've had to much why don't we go home now I can get someone to come and drive us home there no way I'm driving I've had some drinks" I say looking at (Y.N) "No I'm going to stay for another one you can go home though" she replys looking at me "I'm not leaving you here by yourself to drink anymore darling you've already drunk a lot no more" I say she get up and goes to the bar to get herself another right I need back up I get my phone out and I call Colby "Hi Sam" he replys sounding happy "Hey Colby can you do me a favour can you come and drive me and (Y.N) home and before you do can you please come and talk some sence into her about not drinking anymore your the only one she listens to" I say "Of course I'll get my mum to drop me off and then I'll be there and I'll drive you both home" Colby says "Thank you" I reply. "(Y.N) really more shots" I reply looking at her "Okay Mum" she replys I smile at her, oh I've missed her snarky comments. "I'" (Y.N) says getting up from her chair "No your not" I hear a familiar voice say "Oh yes I am and you can't stop me brock" she says "Oh yes I can" he says grabbing her arm and pulling her closer to him before wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer to him "Come on Sam" he says I smile "Let's go" I reply "Let me go" (Y.N) wines all the way to the car "Your sitting in the front with me" Colby says speaking to her "Why?" She replys "Because I don't want you getting out of the car silly" he replys smiling at her. "We can't take her home like this" I says looking at him "We can go back to my mum if you want" Colby says looking at me "Yeah okay" I reply looking over at (Y.N) who is now asleep.

Pov (Colby)
We soon get home and as soon as we do I pick (Y.N) up and carry her to my room I lay her down on the bed and tuck her in "I've missed you (Y.N)" I say before I leave the room and join Sam in the guest room "Why did she drink so much?" I ask confused "I don't know she only seemed to drink after you reposted the instagram thing" Sam says looking at me "I've done this" I reply looking at him "I don't know that for sure" Sam says trying to cheer me up.

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