New Years with You

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Pov (Y.N)
"Good morning beautiful" Colby says as he walks into the living room "Morning handsome" I reply which makes him smile "How did you sleep?" He asks smiling at me "Good actually I think all the traveling took it out on me" I say laughing "Good morning" Sam says smiling at us "Morning Sam" I reply which makes him smile "It's good to have you here with us" he says which makes me smile "Your making it sound like she nearly died Sam" Colby says which makes me laugh "I'm happy to be with you both" I reply which makes them both smile "Still up for the party tonight ?" Colby asks "Yeah of course" I say smiling. "Good because I need a new years kiss" he whispers in my ear so Sam can't hear he starts to laugh "what's the secret ?" Sam asks "Huh" I reply which makes him laugh "I'm joking" he replys "So tell me more about the party then" I say trying to break the silence "Well it's a new years eve party and of course we will be there till after midnight, you'll really enjoy it I promise" Sam says smiling

Pov (Colby)
I've been waiting for the perfect moment today to ask her out but I just haven't found it yet and now I'm getting ready for the party and so are Sam and (Y.N), I finish getting ready before knocking on (Y.N) bedroom door "Come in" she shouts which makes me smile I open the door and see her sat down curling her hair "You look stunning" I say staring at how beautiful she looks "You don't look to bad yourself" she replys which makes me smile "Can I talk to you ?" I ask "Yeah sure" she says putting her curling iron down and turning around to face me "So I've been like trying to ask you all day but I just haven't got round to it yet (Y.N) will you give me another chance to call you my girlfriend" I say as I see a smile form on her lips "Is that you asking me out ?" She asks which makes me laugh "Yeah it is" I say "Yes of course I will be your girlfriend again" she replys which makes me laugh "Now go tell Sam before he figures it out" she says while smiling at me "Yeah just one more thing" I say before giving her a kiss and then going to find Sam I knock on his door "Sam brother can I come in ?" I ask "Yeah brother" he replys I walk in smiling "You look happy" he says "I am, do you want to know why?" I ask him he smiles "Yeah of course I want to know what's got you smiling like that or should I say who" he replys with a smirk "Okay so I asked (Y.N) to be my girlfriend and she said yes" I say which makes him smile "I'm so happy for both of you where (Y.N) ?" He asks "In her room why?" I reply he smiles "To congratulation her of course" He says before giving me a hug and then walking away.

Pov (Y.N)
"Hey" Sam replys appearing by my door "Hey" I reply "I'm so happy for you" he replys which makes me smile "So he told you then" I reply which makes him nod "My two favourite people getting back together I'm so happy" he says before giving me a hug "You nearly ready for the party?" Colby asks as he appears by the door just like Sam did "Yeah just got one more thing to do" I reply which makes the boys nod "Well wait downstairs" Sam says as he heads towards the door "Close the door this time" I reply while laughing.

Pov (Colby)
She looks so gorgeous I can't help but smile at her, she currently on the dance floor dancing around "Hey, Colby can I just say something" Sam says looking at me "Yeah of course" I say smiling "Just don't hurt her again please she been through enough" Sam says looking at me "I know she has and of course I won't hurt her again I promise" I reply. "Boys come and dance" (Y.N) says which makes us head out to the dance floor. The party was great and the time went by so fast and before I knew it it was almost 12 "Let the count down begin" the DJ said which causes me to put my arm around (Y.N) as she does the same to me and Sam "10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR" the DJ announce while I give the gurl of my dreams her new years kiss "I love you babe" I say which makes her smile "I love you more" she replys which makes me smile we then all get our phones out and quickly send new years text messages to our family and friends before going back to the party.

Pov (Y.N)
"You okay babe?" Colby asks me while we're in the taxi on the way home "Yeah why?" I ask "You seem a bit sad babe" He says looking at me "It doesn't matter" I reply "Well it does" He replys looking at me "What's happened?" Sam asks looking at me "I'll tell you both when we get home" I reply they both nod there head and Colby puts his hand in mine, as soon as we get in I can't hold it back anymore "I'm just going to the toilet be right back" Sam says before he goes to the bathroom "okay" we both reply " So whats wrong babe?" Colby asks "It's my dad he's seen the new years message and he hasn't reply hes ignoring me" I say as the tears begin to fall down my face "Hey babe it's okay I'm sure he's not ignoring you" Colby replys wrapping his arms around me "He's seen the message, and he can't even text me back" I say "He's angry at me isn't he for not spending new years with him" I say Colby shakes his head "How can anyone be mad at you and you said he was fine with it when you told him" He says smiling sweetly at me "we've only just started the new year and your crying I say that's a world record" Sam jokes as he walks in the room "Quickly call the people up" I reply which makes the him laugh "What's wrong?" He asks with concern on his face "Her dad seen the new years message but hasn't text her back" Colby speaks "Oh, I'm sorry about the joke (Y.N)" Sam speaks as he walks over to give me a hug "It's fine" I reply
"He's probably drunk and will probably text you back in the morning" Sam say "Can we like watch a movie or something" I ask the boys both nod there heads at me "Yeah of course we can" Colby replys smiling "Yeah what do you want to watch ?" Sam asks "1995 ?" I say "Is it a horror?" Sam asks knowing me to well "Don't you know it" I smile back "Then yeah of course" Sam says as we all head to the couch to watch the movie

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